Reason 5

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We keep this love in a photograph, we made these memories for ourselves. Where our eyes are never closing, hearts are never broken and time's forever frozen still.



Dear Nando,

I met Cesar again yesterday, he took me down to Cobham and allowed me to watch them train. I think it was meant as a nice gesture, that he thought it was supposed to help, but it didn't... it only made it worse. It only reminded me about what used to be, what you and I used to be, it only reminded me about you, how you used to take me to your games' and trainings, and how you used to show me off in front of your teammates, as your friend of course. Though no one was allowed to touch me and you would kill whoever even tried to flirt me. And it reminded me how you promised that one day we would come clean before everyone. That one day you would kiss me in front of everybody with no regrets. That you would tell everyone that you loved me and that I was more than just a flirt to you. Do you remember that Nando?

I do, and I also do remember that it never happened. And I also do remember how you promised to never lie to me, yet you promised me so many things that you couldn't keep. Now all I have left is a broken heart, empty promises and a hell of a lot of photographs.

Though I have put all of our photographs, all of our memories in a box and stuffed it under my bed. It hurts to look at them, to look at them and realize that all of that will never happen again, they are just memories, and that's all they will ever be. 

People change, memories don't. So come back to me Nando, come back to me so we can create new memories together. Happy memories that I will remember for the rest of my life.

So reason five to why you should have stayed is pretty obvious, so that we can create new memories. You promised me to take me with you when you went back to Madrid, to show me you home city and your childhood club, the club that raised you and made you the captain at the mere age of nineteen. That would have been a great memory you know, because that would have proven that you were ready let me into your life for real.

You promised to show me the world, take me anywhere I wanted to go, just so that we could have created new memories together. But everything you said was empty promises that turned into lies Nando. Remember when you promised to never lie to me? I guess that was a lie as well?

I miss you Nando, and I want nothing more than to create new memories with you. So come back to me, come back.

Love, always, Le


Dedicated to Thibauted because she is a Blue like me. Thank you for every single vote and comment, they're really appreciated xx Liza

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