Where Do We Go From Here?

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Albert's POV

I was just expelled from Beacon because they thought I attempted to rape a girl I never knew. Here I am in the streets of Vale lying in the concrete pavement. My parents died when I was 8 and was forced to lie to people and to adapt the loneliness as part of my life. I didn't have a single friend from Beacon when I came and I was met with insults from everyone cause I didn't have a semblance but I didn't care yet I was treated like a burden.

They despised me cause I was seen as weak and everyone and I mean everyone bullied me heck even teams RWBY and JNPR except Ren and Jaune since they regarded me as their friend despite my powerless body. I had said my goodbyes to them when I left.

My dreams of being a huntsman and hopes to inspire the new generation had been in vain I guess. If this was meant to be, then so be it. If I can't become a great huntsman to protect Remnant, then I will see to it that my efforts were in vain. I walked as I groaned waking up to another said reminder of the reality of me no longer to reach that dream I swore and wanted as a kid but I guess dying sound nice. I took out my remaining lien of 200 and bought a hefty meal of half my money and ate a lot. I then bought a lot of alcohol with all of my 100 liens at Junior's place whom I approach

Juniors Bar

I was on my 45th shot and 6th bottle as my bottle in my hand was taken away from my drunken lips "kid. I think you had enough. Go home. Rest" Junior said to me but I fell asleep on his bar but he woke me up "kid! I'm about to just kick you outta here!" He yelled but I get up and leave whilst people were drinking and dancing.


I vomited my contents as I had a flashback.


"I'm sorry Mr. Y/N, but you are guilty of attempted rape thus I regret saying this but I must ask you to leave," Ozpin said and I begged but I was forced to leave as he threatened to kick me forcibly. I left and cried on the way out.


I lost my voice after that hours ago and essentially became a sort of a mute after that. I then scavaged any things worth for me to survive on since I wasted all my Lien to food and drinks on my depression. I had ragged clothes from a dead fallen in the hallway. A rusty carbine rifle(this is the same universe as my main story but in this alternative timeline, Belo's are treated like trash and are put into obscurity and many Belo's like me die every day but Remnant doesn't give a damn about our kind. Since our lord Ajin surrendered to the universe, out the race was discriminated, enslaved, and mistreated where we lost 95% of our race to them but we Belo didn't care. We never did. We made peace with them yet we are treated like trash. I took the dead corpses belongings and wandered out of Vale but not before looking at Beacon and Vale in sadness that my efforts to live in this life were in vain.


We were wondering about Albert since we never liked him because he had no semblance on him and this school doesn't need weaklings like him a Belo. We cheered with JNPR and CFVY for what we thought he was being sent to jail due to being his status a secret to everyone here in Beacon. We were really glad a weakling has left and is being punished for trying to have his ways with that girl. What Beacon wasn't aware of was that those thoughts and looks on Albert were about to change.

Emerald Forest

Albert had evaded various Grimms despite his negative emotions were attracting these beasts. He didn't care. He just wanted to die along with his kind who were shunned in society and the universe who didn't give a damn about them. He went about a few miles before reaching a town and saw it was a Belo occupied town where Remnant was never aware of how terrible the Belo race was living in.

Many Belo who were left after the universe was discriminant to them, they lived in filthy, damaged, ruined, and dilapidated buildings in misery as Belo's were dying out and their ability to have kids were impossible because all of Belo men and boy...

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Many Belo who were left after the universe was discriminant to them, they lived in filthy, damaged, ruined, and dilapidated buildings in misery as Belo's were dying out and their ability to have kids were impossible because all of Belo men and boys like Albert were in a depression and were dying fast on the inside. The only problem was when they would die.

I took shelter to a ruined motel where various Belo's and Fallen were residing since they were spending their final days with their kind in sadness that a promising alliance between the universe's of anime and cartoons was imminent but they responded with vilifying the people of Belerog. The hopes of building a better world with them were lost to time as Belo's royal family died without the universe knowing about their deaths. The Belo's lost hopes to a better world. They now live in misery and awaited salvation to their suffering. We Belo's no longer cared if we died out. We were glad to have lived this freedom while we could but it appears that our kind's time has come to an end despite only having no allies to call our own and friends to call also of our own. The dominion of the universe has finally begun. We kept the peace and balance of the universe. Now it's up to them to take our place away as we fade away from the pages of the story as we fade away.

A fallen offers me a drink to calm my sadness "here pup. You might as well enjoy our final days here in this life pup" he said with his cracked voice clearly the sign that he is about to meet his end "what's your name pup?" He asked with dried tears in his face "Albert. Yours?" I asked back "Kroll but it doesn't matter. You can have that drink. I think I would like to sleep now" he said and laid on his box covered ground to sleep on. I heard him breathing his last breath as he limps and died on his sleep. I closed my eyes despite the sounds of crying and death around me. I fell asleep and wished out misery to end.

I know I haven't been on the main story but I wanted to make another depressing story of the entire universe discriminating a race for what they've done and the results it can cause if we American's don't stop our riots and violence to each other. Thanks for reading.

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