Chapter 1

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"Hurry your ass in the car! The sooner we leave the sooner we can get to the house!"

"I'm just going to check if I left anything!" I shouted back to my mother who was in the car impatiently waiting for me.

I sighed and walked towards the front door of the house I once used to live in. I actually didn't leave anything inside the house that used to be home- it's completely empty. We cleaned out everything, only leaving speck of dust behind. I just wanted to look at this house one last time before I leave.

"I guess this is it." my voice echoed throughout the first floor. I didn't expect myself to be this sad. We had only been living here for almost four years but I don't recall having many memories other than just simply living here.

I mean my parents were always working, so here was my daily routine. I wake up. Then 20 minutes later, I actually wake up, get ready for school, go to school and try to survive the day. After those 7 hours of my life have been wasted, if you think that isn't exciting enough, I'm just on my phone and laptop procrastinating the night away. I finally choose to do my homework around 11 and finish around one in the morning, ending my day.

Yep I live that cool kid life. And on the weekends? The thing just not with that school shit.

Oh and I take care of my younger brother Collin as well. He's a cute little annoying fellow.

But as school is concerned, I surprisingly do really good- all A's with the usual B's every now and then.

Social status wise? Uh...let's not talk about that. I was the quiet not outgoing one. I've always hated this trait about myself. It would be nice not to have a pile of words mixed up in my brain when someone starts talking to me. I try to talk but the words can't find a way to escape my mouth.

Most people on the internet that I've come across to are loser just like me at school but when they log into their Twitter- they are the coolest, most social person you'll ever meet. But when I log into my Twitter- I'm the same old loser at school. Loser at school and on the internet. Go me.

Even with my internet friends! I mean I have sucky internet friends. We'd have a really nice conversation, kicking it off but then after a week (two if we're lucky) one of us wouldn't reply and then that would be the end of that friendship.

Believe it or not, I have two close friends when I first moved here. Even though most of the time I feel like a third wheel around them sometimes or that we all hardly text each other after school leaving me bored out of my mind or even that they sometimes manage to annoy the fuck out of me- I am still their best friend.

Unfortunately, I don't have any classes with them so I was forced to make a friend with someone who had all my classes. I only have like three other friends then. But I always seem to luck out on group projects since the maximum is usually three. I'm the fourth wheel of a tricycle. That's weird to picture but I'm basically the one keep the tricycle from falling. I don't see how the teachers don't see it but like that matters anymore. Not going to see or miss them again anyways.

I'm actually really glad I'm moving. This is my chance to change all of that. I can be the girl everyone wouldn't mind talking to or be their partner instead of the girl who sits in the back of the class working by herself. I want to change. I - I just don't know how or I ever will.

HONK. Ugh mum. I quickly get out of the house giving it a last farewell and unlock my phone. Once I get into the car, I open up the group chat Tori, Alison and I are in.

"This is it! I'm on my way to the new house! I'm really going to miss you guys! </3"

We had our little farewell get together a few days ago. It was really un but once we realized that it would be the last time all three of us would have a proper hang out till Lord knows when- killed it all. It ended up with us crying together on the floor of my bedroom.

Once I had my seat belt on, a notification popped onto the screen of my iPhone.

"NOOOOOO! STAY WITH ME!" Alison replied.

"CAUSE YOU'RE ALL I NEED!!" Tori responded, followed by all of the sad emojis you can think of.

"I love you guys." I promise myself to text them again once I arrive. I lock my phone and try to sleep for the rest of my 15-hour journey to Sydney.

14 hours has past and I'm bored as shit. I finished the book I've been reading and listened to all the songs on my phone. At least I'm not starving. Bless my mother who prepared a ton of snacks in the back seat but they are now long gone.

"Why don't you tell you dad that we'll be there in like half an hour. Traffic isn't as horrible as I thought I would be."

I unlocked my phone for the first time in 14 hours to text someone. I found my dad's contact, sent him a text and waited for him to respond.

He arrived at the house two days earlier to set up everything. Though I'm sure my mother wouldn't like the way he placed the couches or whatever so I didn't really see the point.

My phone lit up with a notification from my dad. "That's great! Collin and I miss you both. I love you."

I choose to reply, "I love you too."

Next thing you know, we're driving into my new neighborhood. I take a few minutes to get used to my new surroundings. It really was beautiful; every house had a nice garden that lay on their front lawn.

I stare my way up the street and something catches my eye. I'm sorry- I mean someone. He stood on this front yard, tall, tight black jeans with a hole on one of his knees and a black shirt, layering it with a flannel.


His dirty blonde hair was quiffed perfectly to the right. I studied him up and down and noticed he was wearing bunny slippers. I couldn't help but laugh.

Wait... what? I feel like I've been staring at him for a good five minutes. Why haven't we passed by him yet? I then realized the car has been parked into a driveway.

"Ah. Welcome home." My mum said as she opened the door to get out stuff out of the car.

Holy crap. This really attractive guy I've been checking out for what felt like forever- is my next door neighbor.

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