Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I knew my dad had a place in Russia and I knew if Adrian and I wanted to hid out and not be found that Abe what just the man to do it but it made me very nervous to go to Russia.  I know it is a big country but with my luck I would run into someone I knew there.  Adrian reassured me that we would be fine and once we got there and explained the situation to Abe he would help hide us, help us disappear.  If Abe wanted someone hidden then no one would be able to find them. 

Adrian and I had left court through the front gates.  This was nothing like when Lissa and I escaped the academy.  For one we were adults and for two everyone knew Adrian and I were together and the guardians at the front gate had my schedule so they knew it was my day off.  As we were driving out the gate I asked one of the guardians there that I knew if he would deliver a note to the Princess so she would know where I was during the day.  He looked at me weirdly.  He probably was thinking that I should just call or text her.  I gave him my best smile, the one that makes most men do anything I ask them to, and he agreed to deliver the note when his shift finished in an hour.  After we left Adrian chuckled and asked me why I had to play with men’s emotions like that.  I just glared at him and told him I had no idea what he was talking about. 

I fell asleep as Adrian was driving us to the airport.  We obviously could not use the airport at court because we did not want anyone to know where we were going.  Instead of having a nice peaceful nap I had a nightmare.   This one did not have a lot of blood and gore and I wasn’t even fighting for my life.  This nightmare was worse than that.  I was sitting with Dimitri and he had such hatred in his eyes.  He told me he never really loved me he was just using me for Sex.  Once I gave into him he didn’t want me anymore and once I became his bloodwhore he didn’t even want to touch me anymore because I was so disgusting to him.  Then Lissa, Christian, Eddie and Mia came over and they were all taunting me telling me that I was a horrible person and they were all better off without me.  Then I screamed as they all linked arms with each other and left me for good.

“Rose.  Rose please wake up!”  Adrian was shaking me and there was a panic in his eyes.

I shot up and immediately pulled my stake out looking for the danger.  It only took a second to realize that there was not strigoi around.  I was not nauseous.  “What’s wrong Adrian you scared me half to death.”

Adrian just looked at me “I scared you…you just started screaming Rose.  I have never heard that much agony in a scream.  What happened?”  There was so much concern in his eyes I instantly felt bad for scaring him.

“I’m sorry it was just a stupid nightmare.”  He looked at me and I could tell he wanted to ask questions but thankfully he did not.  I took in my surroundings and realized we were pulled over on the side of the road.  “Why are we on the side of the road?”

“Well you try driving when the woman you love is screaming like that” he said as he smirked at me.

“Oh sorry.  Well I am up now so we can start driving again.  How far away are we from the airport?  I had no idea what airport we were going to I left that all up to Adrian.

“Maybe about 45 minutes.”

“Okay good I am just going to relax for a while” I told him.  I wanted to check in on Lissa to make sure she was okay.  I knew I would never be her guardian again but I still cared about here and I would always worry about her.  I concentrated on Lissa and soon her apartment surrounded me.

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