Chapter 1

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At a moment like this, only one thought circulates in my head: Should've brought your pepper spray, Kathlynn. The one day that I don't have it is the day that two guys wearing dirty brown shirts and pants, and barefooted, are pinning me down as another searches my purse. I wanted to say that I don't have anything because it's true. My family is so poor that every tuesday and thursday we don't get to eat unless the neighbors decide to be generous. The boy on my left, red hair and green eyes look like he's about to piss himself, while the other on my right, nasty, nasty, brown hair that is in a need of a good washing. The boy with my purse stands above me. "She's got nothin' boys. Put her in the back." He points at the white van behind him. How ironic. This whole time I've struggled, but it's hard to fight of three boys wearing a short skirt. As the two pull me up and try to shove me into the back, I whip my hands out to the doors and grab them to prevent them from putting me in. I squeeze my eyes shut, the pain in my hand becoming intense. "Hold on." The two boys stop trying to push me in, so I let my hands fall to my sides. When I clench them, warm liquid covers my hands. Great, now I'm bleeding. I open my eyes to look at their leader. He is much taller than the other two, probably by six inches, and he's formally dressed as if he just came from a dinner party. His tux is clean, not a spot of dirt or the sign that he's trying to kidnap a girl. His blond hair is slicked back. He has a lustful look on his face, his creepy smile stretching from ear to ear. "I want to have a little fun, first." He leans foward, pushing the two boys away from me and causing me to fall onto the bed of the van. One of his hands is behind me, and the other on the inside of my thigh.

Look up at him with hatred and disgust, I growl, "Get off of me, you perv." I would consider moving father away, but that would mean further into the van. His face is so close to mine and with each exhale I can smell both alcohol and mints. "Get away from-" I freeze as his hand starts traveling north. 

"Did I just make you speechless?" He stops right before he touches me there. H edoesn't make a single move. "Let's see if this makes you motionless!" With one hand he pushes me down, so I am lying flat on my back, and his other hand in my skirt, in my panties. 

Suddenly I feel the rain I hadn't noticed before. I thrust my hands out at him, with him flying off of me. I scramble out of the van, holding my hands out. "Next time you will think before trying to kidnap someone, let alone touch them!" I pratically scream. I don't know what I was doing, but it came naturally to me. I move around, my hands guiding the water, like a dance. Everytime I thrust my hands out water hit the boys, keeping them at bay. When they didn't get back up I run to my purse, still shaking from what just happened and the fact that that guy touched me. I grab my phone and flip it open, calling the police.

As I wait, it totally occured to me that I was moving water. Water. I remember in world history that long ago that there were elemental benders. Could I be a water bender?


"Kathlynn!" My father runs to me, his tie hanging around his neck. "Are you alright? Of course you're not!" He says as he pulls me into a big hug. He starts rubbing my head like he used to. Shocked, I hug him back.

"Dad, that guy only.. touched me.. he didn't you know.." My dad pulls back, tears in his eyes. "Dad, I'm fine. Though I would like to beat them up again." 

"How did you even do that?" Dad takes off his over coat and places it over me. He sits next to me, grasping my hands.

"Kathlynn, I'd like to ask you a few questions." An officer walks up to us. "This will only take twenty minutes." My dad looks at me reassuringly. I nod and get up, following the officer. We follow one room where the guy that touched me was sitting. His arms are crossed over his chest, that ugly smile off of his face. Seeing his face in the light took me by surprise. Though he has bags under his eyes, he looks like some celebrity. Shaking my head I keep following the officer. 

We then arrived in a room, with one table and two chairs across from each other. The officer gestures to me to sit in one while he sits in the other. As I sit, the officer smiles. "I am officer Rogan. I will start with a few questions from the scene." I nod. "Were you attacked seually by all three or just the one?"

"Just the one."

"Did he get to the point of penetration?"

I'm blushing so hard right now that I feel like the sun is beating down on me. "N-no. No sir."

Officer Rogan nods. "Did they physically harm you?"

"Not exactly. They did kind of grab me roughly, but the cuts on my hands are my fault. I was trying to prevent them from putting me in the van so I grabbed the doors."

"Thank you. I'm sorry for what those bandits did to you." The officer says. "Before I can let you go, the criminals claimed that you water bended."

*Thanks for reading chapter one! Comment below on what you think so far! Thanks!*

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