Chapter 8: The Golden Warrior vs Videl

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Y/n had been meditating for the past half hour whilst the others ate and he teleported to them once he had calmed down
Goku: *full mouth* Y/n's back
Y/n: Sup
Gohani: Y/n you ok?
Y/n: Yeah why
Gohani: Because you're acting weird
Y/n: I'm fine just annoyed that I dont get a legitimate challenge
Vegeta: I'll be glad to fight you if you want a challenge
Y/n: I mean in the tournament
Gohani: You're bound to come up against one of us
Krillin: Shes right I mean technically speaking I'm the strongest human alive
Y/n: Tien would end you if you two fought
*timeskip to Y/n's fight*
Announcer: Well Ladies and Gentlemen we are about to witness history as we have the daughter of the world champion Videl Satan!
Videl then walks up to the ring in a gloomy attitude
Announcer: Against the one and only Golden Warrior!!!
I then walk out onstage not in Super Saiyan which results in some people from my school recognising me
Y/n: Videl
Videl: I'm sorry
Y/n: I won't kill you you aren't worth it but I'm not holding back anymore
I start to charge up and everyone starts to feel the shockwaves of my energy when I stop smirk and go super saiyan
Y/n: Come at me
Videl charges at me and starts to release a combo of punches and kicks each and everyone I dodge when I start to fight back and she cant handle my strength in super saiyan and she falls to her knees trying to catch her breath when I get ready to land the finishing blow
Gohani: Y/n!
Y/n: Hm
Gohani: Dont do it
Y/n: Fine
Videl: I'm truly sorry Y/n
Y/n: Look I'm gonna come up with something so that you dont get too hurt but that let's you drop out without being seen as a wimp
I then step back and hit her with a knee which I tell her to block which has just enough force to drop her out of the ring
Announcer: And you're winner! The Golden Warrior!
After I wave to the crowd a little I sense two people coming up to me when I look I see no one and I'm then locked in a full nelson
Y/n: W-what the hell
Gohani: Y/n!
???: Wait!
Gohani: Who are you to tell me to wait
Piccolo: Gohani
Gohani: But
Y/n: Let go off me before I send you 6 feet under!
Then someone flew up to me with some kind of device in hand and I started to feel my energy fall away and then I fall onto the ground
Gohani: Y/n!
She flys over to me as the two that assulted me flee
Gohani: Anyone have any senzu beans
Goku then teleports to Korin and then comes back with a Senzu
Gohani: Thanks dad come on Y/n open up
I then use what little energy I have and opened my mouth
Gohani: Here's a senzu
I eat the green bean and then I have my energy back
Y/n: Ok then let's see if they can do that whilst I'm ready for them
I transform into SSJ2 and then fly off after them
Gohani: Hey wait for me
Goku: This will be fun
Vegeta: Not a chance Kakarot!
Goku: Huh
Vegeta: This is my one chance to defeat you
Goku: Vegeta we can have our fight later but my daughters boyfriend just got assaulted and I'm gonna go help them out
Vegeta: Tch fine but I'm coming as well
The 3 soon catch up to me
Y/n: About time
Goku: Hold on I can sense someone else coming to
???: Yes apologies for the interruption but I'm Shin and this is Kibito
Gohani: Wait a minute you're the one that told me to wait
Shin: Yes it's part of my plan to find their base of operations and my apologies for not alerting you about this
Y/n: There!
I fly down and land
Y/n: So you like to steal energy
???: Oh great you brought guests Dabura dispose of these 2 and then welcome the others in
Some devilish looking guy then blasts the 2 that assaulted me off of this planet
(Okay it goes the same as the anime until Majin Vegeta)
Goku: Y/n Gohani get everyone out of here I'll handle Vegeta
Y/n: On it
Gohani: Everyone just grab on to this guy here and you'll be safe
Everyone immediately makes a dash towards me
Y/n: Oh fuck
Gohani: Dont worry I'll make it up to you
Y/n: You still need to make it up to me for making me go to school
Once everyone is holding onto me I teleport us the the port needed to get to the island
Gohani: There now since Dad is taking care of Vegeta I say we go back and blow that ship to pieces
Y/n: Couldnt agree more

Male reader x Erasa x Videl x Fem! GohanWhere stories live. Discover now