HAPPY BIRTHDAY : chapter 21

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Tw: This chapter contains topic of depression, self harm and suicide. Reader's discretion is adviced.

"Happy birthday sweetheart" mum yells in my ears using a turning stick to hit a pan, just to disturb my morning!?

"My God, what is this?" I say turning around reaching for my pillow and pressing it onto my face, whilst pulling my blanket all the way up to my head
"Happy birthday love, you're officially an adult!!" Mum screams happily pulling off my blanket and hitting the pan all over me

"Thanks mum!, can I please go back to bed?" I plea still very sleepy dispite the whole noise pollution episode

"Come on sweetie" mum says pulling me up and pushing me into the bathroom

"Brush your teeth and come downstairs real quick, it's 10 o'clock" Mum says happily, a bit too happy, it's not even her birthday. I know I'm being grumpy, but I love my sleep, I hate disturbances or interruptions,  besides I was having a great dream, I was kinda part of the death race crew, was about to go on my first ride!, though I wasn't a criminal or anything in the dream, but I still was part of it.

I walk into the bathroom, put the tooth paste on my brush, put it under the running tap, put the damn object in my mouth, then proceed to sit on the toilet and continue my very amazing and uninterrupted sleep.


I walk down the stairs in my ugliest pyjamas, for some weird reason I wore that last night, the reason could have been I was too lazy to find an attractive one, it was the closest one to reach.

I walk down the stairs in my pyjamas and my face mask, on my right hand is my neck massage machine, and on the other is my phone, I open my inbox about to check my message when-


The whole house decorated and a cake!, I love cake!, when did all these happen,  Eno is standing looking beautiful in her peach floral gown and her Brazilian human hair wig, look at those frontals, she definitely got that recently, did she get that after school yesterday, she looked so beautiful, mom is smiling she's holding the cake with bold candles in one and eight form, ikr!!!, I'm 18!

I see Aishat with her camera recording the whole thing, this is the best birthday surprise,  all my girls, all the people I love are here with me, although i look horrible but this is really sweet, even if I wish a special someone was here with me.

Immediately I see someone holding very large balloon shaped one and eight walk into the living room. IT'S DAD!!!

I run down to hug him tight, i miss him so much it's been almost 3 months since he left, when did he arrive?

" Daddy i missed you, when did you come back?" I ask him excitedly

"Very early this morning, we all planned this I and your mum, I went out to get the balloons" dad says smiling, as I hug him tighter

I walk to Eno and hug her "Choco you came this early for me, I love you bitch, trust me we'll rock yours when it's time" I say pecking her all over her face as she playfully pushes me off

"Get your face of my face, you adult!" She says as we both end up laughing

I walk to Aishat taking the camera, focusing it on her " this is my sweet, beautiful sister guys, who decided to take her angry ass self, to make this video for me" I say this time moving close to her hugging her tight

"That's okay, get of me, go take a shower" she says pushing me off, everyone laughing with her statement about me stinking, which I'm sure I'm not,she's just be a rude girl that she is,  can't even treat me special on my birthday

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