Chapter 1

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Hey guys. So this is the new story. It starts with Kellin at his therapist's office and the whole story will be about Kellin telling what has happened that made him start seeing a therapist in the first place. There will be some parts that may be triggering, just so you know. Also, this story won't be a long one, maybe 10 to 11 chapters and the idea for this story came from my friend so shout-out to her. Enjoy!

Also, if you'd like to read a Spanish translation of this story go ahead to Imuselessfuckmylife 's profile to read the Spanish version :)


"I don't know what I've done to deserve this." I said.

"What exactly do you mean by this, Kellin?" My therapist, doctor Fish, asked, shifting in his chair a little. He was staring at me with the curious look on his face, the one I've always hated. It's like he's trying to understand what's going on in my head, but in reality he thinks I'm just another kid with mental problems.

I shook my head. "It's kind of a long story." I told him, pulling my knees to my chest and looking down. I hate talking about my past, I hate as much as only thinking about it.

"We've got plenty of time, plus you're my last patient today." He announced, playing with his pen unknowingly. A bad habit of his, I've noticed.

"You know what, it's whatever, it doesn't even matter. Just forget it." I tried to play it off, but he was having none of my bullshit. He let out a sigh.

"Kellin, you have to understand that I can't help you when you won't tell me why you're here in the first place. I get that it's probably hard for you to talk about it, but please, at least try." He sent me a warm smile. I just shook my head, muttering 'fuck it' under my breath. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I wrapped my arms around my legs and pulled them closer to my body.

"It all started 3 years ago..."

*3 years ago (age 14)*

"Bye honey, we'll be home in couple hours. Love you." My mom said, kissing the top of my head. I smiled slightly. Most kids my age were usually rude to their parents and didn't really respect them, but that wasn't my case, I loved my parents and I knew they loved me back just as much.

"Bye, love you too, guys, have fun." I shouted after them, closing the front door. It was Friday evening and I had the house to myself for almost the whole night so I was going to have a little bit of fun.

I started by making myself a bowl of popcorn and watching a movie. When it ended I played a couple of video games. That went on for about an hour or so and by then I was exhausted. I went through random channels on the TV until there appeared a naked girl on top of a naked guy, both of them making strange noises.

"Ew." I exclaimed and turned the TV off. Boobs are just so weird. Actually, girls are weird in general. I shook my head, trying to get the image, that was on the TV just a second ago, out of my head.

I got off of the couch and headed towards the stairs. I walked up, making my way into my room. I switched the lights on, undressing myself until I had nothing on but my boxers. I plugged my phone into charger, switched the lights back off and crawled under the sheets on my bed. I yawned, rolling onto my side, falling asleep almost instantly.

In the morning I felt pretty weird, like something was wrong. And I was right...

I got up from the bed and walked downstairs just to find no one in there. It was 11 a.m., my parents are usually already up by then. I thought that they probably came home late at night and so they slept a little longer. I shrugged it off and walked back upstairs, into my room. As I stepped inside my phone began ringing. I walked over to it and there was my mom's contact blinking at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and answered it.

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