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Orenda, from CLN community, had the honours of interviewing black-cypher. She is the author of The President's Daughter and is currently working on another story called Corona.

Hello, this is Orenda from Crazy Late Nighters (CLN) community. I am really happy to get the chance to interview you. What name and pronouns would you like to go by?

Can my name be anonymous? And I go by she/her.

Of course! Shall we begin?


Let's start with a simple question. What's your favourite colour and is there any reason behind it?

Well, I'm never one for one favourite, but my favourite colours are black and blue. Black, because the colour just goes with everything and it's what I wear most of the time (I'm not emo, just like the colour). Blue, if you've ever read the Percy Jackson series, you know that Percy's favourite colour is blue and it kind of transferred to me. I really connect with that character, so naturally blue became my favourite colour and it still is to this day.

It's really beautiful that you connected with a character and found blue as your favourite colour. When were you first introduced to writing?

In fourth grade, I, my sister, and my friend would write in the class all the time. We were obsessed with books and always tried to do the work ahead of time so that we can either write or read (I've gotten my books taken away several times in class, but that never stopped me!). Books were and still are a huge part of our lives.

That's a wonderful and funny thing to hear. Sadly teachers don't like students doing anything else other than their subjects. What was your first story?

I've never written a complete story, but the first story I remember writing on the Internet was The President's Daughter on Wattpad. I never got around to finishing it until last year when I had no life. I figured I'd better write this story or I'm a complete failure. After months and months of research, I was finally able to use that few cringey chapters into a book I'm proud of. I realize the title is cliché and wouldn't garner attention, but the plot itself is far from it. I encourage anyone to try it out and see what they think. In fact, I'm very surprised to see how many reads I get per day (I had 100 reads in less than a day three times before). I've definitely grown as a writer and I love hearing responses from readers when they tell me how emotional the book has made them, which is something I've always wanted to achieve. My story has only begun, but I'm excited about how this journey on Wattpad will turn out.

Your answer is really inspiring. Completing a story is really a difficult task. What inspired "The President's Daughter"?

The idea actually came from a friend and we planned to write the story together. She also has a Wattpad account @TheNutellaMaker. However she's been inactive for a while and when we met one time, she told me to take complete ownership and finish the story. It wasn't until years later that I actually did, so it's unfortunate that I've lost contact with her. I'm sure she would be proud of me.

I am sure she would've been! This question is a special question by your reader who nominated you (aaria101). Who is your favourite character in "The President's Daughter" and why?

My favourite character is Damien. I think I relate to him more because he's a very witty guy and he doesn't take any bullshit from anyone. He has a pretty soft heart, though he may have some barriers around him due to his hard childhood. I think Damien is a favourite among all readers and his story will continue in a prequel about his childhood in a book called McIntire. I'm still in the process of writing it, but I can't wait for it to come out.

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