-Chapter Ten-

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-1 week later-

Felix, Marzia, and Jack had all left back to thier homes, and you were at home alone with Mark. He was currently editing a video, and occasionally scrolling through Twitter comments. You were looking down at your phone, doing pretty much the same. You looked up over at him at his desk and smirked evily at him, quickly looking back down at your phone.

You went straight to Twitter and went to his profile. You decided to send him a tweet because #yolo, thats why.

'@Markiplier if you dont get off your ass sometime soon, im gonna go over there and poke your buttcheek.'

You also attached a photo with it of him sat at his desk. You then happily sent the tweet and waited for a 'glorious' reaction from him. The tweet instantly started to get hundreds of likes, comments, and even retweets. You giggled a bit as to why people would even comment on such a ridiculous little post, but you didnt care, most of the comments were funny anyway. You heard a faint laugh come from Marks direction, immediantly afterwards typing on his keyboard.

'@(Y/N) Im waiting ;)'

Marks response instantly made you laugh as you read it, Pewdiepie and LordMinion777 almost instantly liking it. You looked up at Mark once more to notice him staring back at you with a rather disturbing, but slightly cute face. You blushed and quickly looked back down at your phone, trying to ignore him. He then ran over to the sofa you were sat on and snatched your phone from you, placing it on the table and then cuddling you immediantly afterwards. "Im still waiting..." he whispered, raising a brow. "Shh, or ill bite it instead!" You replied with a wink.

The both of you began to laugh as you cuddled each other tightly, You nuzzled your head onto his chest, he was so warm, and comforting.

Your eyes suddenly widened and the colour instantly drained from you. Your eyes began to water slightly as you realised: Mark was going to Cincinatti to be with his family tomorrow.. for a whole week. What were you gonna do without him for what seemed like years to come..? Mark noticed your sudden change of emotion and looked down at you. "Whats wrong?!" He asked rather concerned. "I dont want you to go..." you answered; a single tear rolling down your cheek.

"I know, I know... im gonna miss you." He replied, wiping more tears from your eyes.

Mark was then quiet for a few seconds, before gasping loudly. "Why dont you come meet my family with me?! You can stay and celebrate Christmas with us, they would be really excited to meet you too!" Mark asked you.

You loved Mark, he was so sweet, and caring, so uou were sure that his family would be too, perhaps even more. But this was time he should spend with them on his own, it was the holidays afterall. You could go back home to spend some time with your dad, he was all you really had left, but you didnt even speak much to him, so there was no point really. You were just going to have to spend a week on your own, but whats the big deal? You used to do it without Mark everyday! Surely it couldnt be THAT bad...Right?

"No Mark. You should spend that time with your family on your own, at least this time. You got to spend Christmas with me, I should be grateful that I even had that... And im sure your family is gonna miss 'uncleplier'" You said with a laugh, hugging him tightly. He looked down, a slightly disappointed yet reassuring expression rested on his face. "The kids would love you, yknow." He replied with his signiture, welcoming smile. "Who doesnt love me?" You asledt sarcastically with a wink. He stared at you blankly for a few seconds. "Me." He said, toneless. Your eyes widened as you gasped at his remark, before punching him playfully in the chest. "You love me!!" You yelled at him as you kissed him on the cheek.

Mark laughed, then kissed you back. "I know.." he replied, gazing into your beautiful (E/C) eyes. He reached out towards you to gently stroke your face before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ears. "You're so beautiful.." he said, in a calm, comforting voice. His comment instantly made you blush, you looked down at the ground. Immediantly afterwards being surprised as you noticed Mark leNing forwards to kiss you. As your lips gently touched, you couldnt help yourself but giggle slightly, he then pressed his lips firmly against yours, kissing you softly.

You were made for me- Markiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now