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"Is Harry here?" I ask, taking my sunglasses off my nose and into my hair. The man at the desk looks at me and he smiles, putting his hand out.

"He's here, and shit is it good to finally meet you," he says, my hand shaking his. I'm completely and utterly lost as to who he is, but I'm under the impression it's his father.

"You too," I force a smile, and he then introduces himself as Harry's father.

"He's hiding you from me. He told me himself. Harry's always been a pain in the ass like that. Especially with stuff he likes," he continues, my lips forming into a smirk.

"Good to know he's one too. Apparently I'm a pain in the ass to him," I say, causing him to laugh.

"The boy has to be right about everything. Got it from his mom," he smiles, and I reciprocate it. It's good to know that Harry's been this way his entire life; not just with me.

We keep talking for a little while before Harry joins, his dad looking between the two of us.

"I'll let the two of you be. Jason is coming soon for his car," his dad says, and Harry nods.

Green eyes look down at me and I grin, his hand taking mine. He guides me to where he's working and he shows me what he does. All the explanations go in one ear and straight out the other.

"Want me to teach you something?" he asks, and I just smirk. I don't know what we're doing, but I'm intrigued.

"Here," he says, guiding me beneath the car. It's lifted and we're easily able to walk beneath.

"See this," he points and I nod. "Twist it off while I hold this beneath it."

I do so and oil pops out, pouring into the bucket. Some gets on my hands and he laughs when I complain, his hand setting the bucket down once it stops. He guides me to the sink and cleans my hands for me, explaining his 'process'.

"Alina?" I hear, my body freezing. Harry looks behind me, then back at me. My jaw clenches and I turn around, looking into brown eyes I haven't seen in damn near ten years.

"Shit, it's you," he grins, my body taking a step back when he steps forward.

"Jason. You...uh know each other?" Harry says, my lips pressing together. I'm sure there'd be steam coming out of my ears if it could happen.

"Yeah, she's my-" I cut him off.

"You don't get to call me your daughter," I state firmly, Harry's eyes widening. My feet step closer to my father, his eyes looking down at me. It's as if they haven't changed; they're cold.

"Lina, don't start this," I hear Harry say and I shove his hand off my wrist. My father smiles down at me, my blood boiling.

"You disgust me," I say, his eyes following me as I walk away. My feet wander around the corner, leaning against the wall.

"Glad I found her again. Been looking for her," I hear my dad, my eyes closing as I lean my head against the wall.

"Don't come near her," I then hear Harry, my chest heaving as other words are mumbled. I don't know where it's going, but I'm not okay with it. I can be as strong as I want, but I don't know how I can be when the man who ruined my family is twenty feet away from me. I don't want that piece of shit back in my life.

"Just because you have her, doesn't mean I can't see her," my dad says, then I hear someone being slammed into the wall. My heart nearly sinks to the floor.

"You can't see her because you fucking threw her around. Her mother too. I know everything, Jason. She's mine and I'm not letting her anywhere near you. Even if you are her father," Harry says, my hand running through my hair.

"Get out of the shop. Grab your keys and go," Harry grits, my hand running over my cheeks to wipe away the silent tears that fall. I stand back up and I peer around the corner, Harry learning on the wall. His head rests on his forearm and I walk towards him, his other arm extending out to me. He pulls me into him and I bury my head in his neck.

"I'm not going to let him touch you. Ever," he whispers in my ear, holding me tightly to him. "You're my girl and he is a piece of shit."

He brushes one hand over my cheek and lifts his body to stand, kissing my forehead as he does so. Harry's eyes look into mine and I immediately see just how angry he is. His jaw is clenched and his eyebrows are furrowed. I'm at a loss as to what to say.

"Go to my apartment. I'll see you when I'm done with work," he tells me, and I furrow my eyebrows in response. He starts to walk away but I walk after him.

"You're going to be that fucking cold with me?" I retort, then he turns around. His eyes look directly into mine and I cross my arms, standing my ground.

"I'm about to lose my fucking shit. And I'd rather not do that around you," he states, his words harsh. It's not intended towards me, but I don't want him to be angry at a pathetic excuse of a man like my father.

"He's not a threat, Harry. Not when you're here," I try, but he pushes my hand away. I'm starting to get angry at his behavior.

He's giving me a taste of my own medicine; that's for sure.

"What if you are walking down the fucking street and he shows up?! I'm not there; what are you gonna fucking do?!" he yells, my jaw clenching as I swallow the lump in my throat. "He can do damn near all he wants and I'm not gonna let that fucking happen! He's a threat, Lina. A fucking piece of shit threat who should have stayed out of your life but came back unwillingly!"

I feel tears rolling down from my eyes and he runs his hands through his hair, my thumb wiping my cheeks. Harry is treating me like I'm a baby; a damsel in distress almost. I don't need this.

"You don't know the half of it, Harry. You don't know me as well as you think," I spit at him, his eyes glaring at me. "You can't tell me who my father is. You don't fucking know him the way I do. I'm a big girl, Harry. You think I'm some naïve, little girl, but he can go fuck himself. You're the only person I give a shit about."

I turn on my heels and walk straight out of the shop, walking across the street and towards my apartment. My anger is at an all-time high and I just need to get away from him.

My hand dials Brenna's number and I call her, asking her if I can meet her at Ben's. She agrees and I make my way out of the building. Brenna meets me outside and I go in, hanging out with the two of them for the rest of the day.

"Your phone keeps ringing," I hear Brenna from the kitchen, my feet walking over to my phone. I grab it and answer it.

"Is it that fucking hard to answer you phone?" Harry asks, my eyes rolling. "I've been driving myself absolutely mad. Where the fuck are you?"

"None of you-" I'm cut off.

"Lina, knock it off! I'm worried about you. Especially now that he's back in your life. I needed to make sure he wasn't waiting for you outside the shop. A million fucking thoughts have been running through my head," he sighs, my lips pressing together.

"I'm at Brenna's soulmate's house. She's here because I didn't want to go home," I tell him, easing his mind. "I'll come by the bar later. To see you."

"You better. Or I'll be fucking pissed," he says, but the way he said it sounds as though there's a smile on his face. 

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