My Cupid 2 | Felix X Reader Spoiler

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Felix POV

Can I stop having this dream?

We were sitting on the couch, Y/N was laying her head on my leg. I had my eyes closed, hoping that this stupid dream would leave.
"Felix, are you okay? You've been having this dream for months now."
Y/N got up and rolled over on her stomach, watching me.
"I'm fine, it's just, this dream won't leave me alone." I opened my eyes, Y/N was lying there on her stomach, looking at me intently. Her eyes full of worry.
"Felix," She got up and put her arms around my neck, snuggling into the crook of my neck, "You've been having that dream for months, I just want you to be happy."

My Cupid | Felix X Reader CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now