Chapter 4

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  To say the plan Kairi dreamed up wasn't going according to plan was an under statement. 




D O W N.

       This plan had backfired.

      To the highest damn order.

     This whole stupid escapade is, apparently, the stem of school gossip. Apparently the golden twosome is separated until further notice. And apparently Benaire was the hottest couple at school. 

    Why does this have to happen to me?

    After homeroom, I had decided to put Kairi's plan into practice and see how it worked out. And for the first week it was going according to plan. That was until Ben found out about it of course, and although I often portray him as an idiot, he really knows how to yank at the heart strings. 

   Ben was ultimately confused by my actions for the first week or to. In class I ultimately ignored him and alluded to the fact that I wasn't going to take his crap anymore. Was he angry? At first the answer was no, but when I wasn;t getting over it and forgiving and forgetting as per usual, words were going to be slung, and god, words were slung. 

    For instance, Kairi and I were sitting at a lunch table in the great hall when I saw the irritating elfin girl walk over to us. 

    " Hello there you bitch," she said in her irritating voice that you feel screech against your ear drums, " I'm waiting for someone important, so shove off."

    "Let it be known that I haven't even spoken to elf ears yet." I said, totally resgined and not caring.  

    "Well, since you asked so nicely, I'm waiting for Ben and we are going out later," she said.


     This made me stop eating my sandwich. He felt that he could stoop that low and try to replace me. That is not cool. I thought Ben was more chivalrous than this.

       "Congrats,  after years of trying to sleep with him, you finally get to. But just realize the only reason that is is because I've stopped defending him," I said in an eerily calm manner.

      But speak of the devil and he shall appear Ben walked up to us with his friends in tow. He slung his arm around her and gave me that smug little look that I can't stand.

       "Are we welcome to sit here or are you still in your mood" Ben asked.

       " I don't like it when woodland creatures sit at my table, you know that, you really should" I replied smugly.

      But what then did next surprised me the most. He spun her, around that little thing that I can't stand, and kiss her straight on the lips. Right in front of me! It went on for about 30 seconds before I got up and left the table. A series of Benair chants course throughout the lunchroom as a result.

        What were they thinking?  Were they crazy?  I was hating the rest of my classmates right now.  But the chorus of your rights and no ways that followed when I left reassured me that not all hope was lost for the next generation.

       I went straight to my next class plopped my books needed for my computer programming class in the classroom. My teacher didn't ask any questions which I could not have been more happy for. I stayed there for the rest of lunch it started thinking about my life choices.

       If this was how Ben wanted to be seen and wanted to be received by myself, then fine. Sell out. I have plenty of people to surround myself with and if elf on the shelf and her cronies for what he wanted then that was fine with me.

      When the rest of my classmates walk into class, I heard the rumors that I knew were inevitable.

     "Did you hear about the golden pare being broken up?" 

      "Yeah apparently it's because Ben and Erie are dating."

       "I was rooting for Ritter though."

        That last one wasn't a surprise, people thought we were a cute couple. But I don't think of guys like that. Its not that I'm a lesbian. But it took a lot for me to be attracted to a guy. Especially after I revaluated my standards.

        While Ben fit the criteria I never really looked at him like that. He was like my brother, the middle brother, the twin brother I never had. While we weren't  identical in personality, we had that twins aesthetic. The saying things at the same time, and the premonition of trouble.

        But the rest of the day progressed like this. I would hear a rumor think about it for a while and move on. On the walk home, it was evident that  Ben must have taken a different route. I wasn't going to change the way I walked home because I was having some petty argument with my ex best friend. That was some bitch shit.

       But I definitely was not ready for the onslaught I was about to receive from my actual  brother

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