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august 30th, 2017 8:21 a.m.

trini walked into her first period class, math. what a good first period, right? no.

trini thought she saw a familiar face when she walked in, but she didn't know exactly who it was. but the girl looked just like kim. but the hair was different. it was cut shorter, she had makeup on. she looked like a totally different person, so trini couldn't tell who this familiar girl was. trini just focused on her class.

august 30th, 2017 2:04 p.m.

kim could've sworn that girl looked familiar when she walked into class that first period. she looked just like trini but kim couldn't tell, this girl was wayyy to pretty. kim walked to biology class, which was her last period. thankfully.

but when kim walked in, she saw the same exact girl again. looked just like trini. kim sat down right next to her, without making it obvious that she was gonna watch her.

trini swore that was kim. so, she tried talking to this familiar girl. trini walked up to her before she got on the bus. "hey, you." trini said from behind maybe: kim.

"hello?" the taller, familiar girl turned around with a confused look, but when she looked at trini she went a little wide eyed. "oh, hello. do you need something?" kim tried acting dumb like she didn't know who trini was. kim knew that was trini.

"actually, can we talk?" trini asked. for some reason, trini actually had confidence. the taller girl nodded.

"okay, what's up." kim said while following trini to the sidewalk where she wanted to go.

"you.. seem familiar. do i know you?" trini asked, looking up at maybe: kim. kim just rose an eyebrow.

"you seem familiar too.."

"is that so?"


kim and trini just stood there awkwardly, but trini spoke up.

"..kimberlysbestmistake?..." trini said quietly, looking up at kim still. kim was shocked. it was trini. it was her. 

"..trinistatooedheart?.." kim asked back, making trini go in surprise shock. kim smiled so hard. this was kim's childhood friend, a girl she met through a fan account with ariana grande.

"KIM?!??" trini squealed, hugging kim as tight as she could. kim hugged back, happily and as tight as she could hold trini.

"i can't believe.. that you're.. oh my god.." kim looked like she was going to cry. this was kim's ariana grande friend that she met through social media and had a bond together, and the girl was standing right infront of her.

"i can't believe it either!" trini squealed in happiness and joy, looking up at kim. kim smiled down at trini, making trini smile back. kim felt blush rising up on her cheeks.

kimberly can't hide her crushes. trini notices, and giggles. "what's up? why are you so red?"

"i- u-hm-" kim stuttered. trini tilted her head. kim felt the need to tell her. "come here." kim pulled trini behind the school where no one could see them.

"why are we-" trini was cut off by kim putting a finger over her lips, making trini blush badly. trini's got a crush.

"there's something i've wanted to say for a long time." kim started, taking a deep breath in, and out. "ever since we met on social media i've had a crush on you. badly. i'm sorry i never told you my sexuality. i know you're lesbian, but i bet you don't even like me. i've had this crush for almost 4 years, and it's been going all year 'round. so, trini gomez, i like you. i actually love you." kim was hesitating when she finished. trini was left mouth wide open, shocked.

"kim.." trini said, grinning and blushing hard. before kim could say anything, trini kissed kim. woah.

kissing trini was the best thing that's happened in her life. trini broke the kiss, looking at kimberly in the eyes. "you're my best mistake, kim."

"i see what you did there." kim giggled, pulling trini in for another kiss. trini laughed as kim locked her lips with hers.

you're my best mistake ; trimberlyWhere stories live. Discover now