A typical day

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6am: Alarm goes off
6:15am: Shower
6:45am: make up and clothes
7am: breakfast and coffee
7:30: wake up Ace, Sabo and Luffy
7:45am: feed them breakfast
8am: drive to school
8:15am-1pm: class
1:30pm-8pm: work
8:30pm: eat dinner
9:30pm: clean kitchen
10pm: homework
11pm: bed
Repeat Monday-Friday

Such is the life of Monkey D. Y/N. Being the only girl of the house had its advantages. You got your own room, your own bathroom and lots of privacy. The bad thing, you had three loud, wild and very rambunctious older brothers. Well Luffy was your twin, only older by 5 minutes but older not the less. And they liked getting in your business...a lot!

You loved your brothers, you'd take a bullet for them. But they drove you crazy especially when they wanted you to join in on their antics. None of them had any serious goals in life except for Sabo, but even he acted like a high schooler than the 21 year old man he actually was. You were 18 and in your second year of college.

You were studying to be a veterinarian. You loved animals and wanted to work with them. You'd gone to a tech middle school and high school and had skipped two grades. You hadn't gone to the same schools as your brothers. It was the cause of a lot of fighting between you and Ace. With Luffy and Sabo caught in the middle.

Now that you worked as a vet tech, you not only got paid but you got college credit for it too. You'd been working as a vet tech since you graduated high school. Getting the experience you would need to eventually be a vet. Luffy was in his last year of high school, and Sabo was in his last year of college. He was studying to become an English teacher. Ace got his high school diploma and worked a few part time jobs. He didn't know what he wanted to do. But Gramps wouldn't let him stay at the house unless he had some kind of job.

Luffy was a great boxer. He'd been boxing since middle school. He had a trainer Mr. Shanks. And Mister Rayleigh was planning on sponsoring him when he graduated. So it seemed Luffy was all set too.

All three of them were social butterflies too. Not that you minded all that much. You weren't home a lot. But on the weekends when you were home, you wished they would go out more instead of inviting people over ALL the time. If they'd do that more often the times they did have people over wouldn't have bothered you like it did, you liked all their friends and they liked you. You hung out when they were here some of the time. Other times you explained you had homework to do, or something else.

Gramps was gone almost all the time. He was home maybe two months out of the whole year. The rest of the time you were all alone with all three of your brothers. With you being the one who made sure the house stayed clean, bills got paid on time, food stayed in the house and your brothers stayed out of trouble. The last one being easier said than done.

Gramps had everyone but Luffy pay rent since he was still in high school, you all pitched in for rent, power, water and food. Gramps owned the house, but he wanted you all to be responsible adults. No one complained. Rent was cheap. 450 beris a month: food on the other hand was a nightmare. And you sent him the rent money and the rest of the bills were in your name to make it easier to pay.

It was Tuesday, you didn't have work today. And you were going out for your weekly lunch and sleepover with your best friend Perona. She was a fashion major. She made a lot of Goth style clothing and underwear. You owned a few pairs yourself but no one but you two knew about it. You did wear the clothes though. They were cute and you liked that you could put a lot of her stuff with standard looking clothes too.

It was 7:30 and you went to go wake up the boys.
"Sabo," you yelled and walked into his part of the room. He squinted as you let the sunlight in. "Wake up sleeping beauty. Breakfast is ready.

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