Night time talks and busy mornings

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The car ride home was quiet. Ace had drank a little too much, Sabo was tipsy and Luffy was sleeping. You were driving Ace's truck home, your phone kept pinging. The last time you'd checked, you'd gotten two from Killer, one from Perona and several from Shaichi. I guess he, Penguin and Law were having some sort of game night. And he felt the need to update you the whole night.

Luffy stirred as you turned onto your drive.

"Guys we're home."

They all got out and you unlocked the house. They all stumbled upstairs you lingered downstairs. You set the timer on the coffee maker and made the egg mixture for the omelettes you were going to make in the morning.

When you got upstairs you found Luffy asleep on your bed. You sighed.

"Luffy buddy, this isn't your bed. You need to go to your own bed." But he wouldn't budge. You groaned and rubbed your eyes. You walked into your bathroom, and got your pajamas on and brushed your teeth. You washed off your makeup and then cane back out to find Ace and Sabo in your room.

"Guys did you forget where your room is?" Your attempt at humor went right over their heads and they just stood there.

"Y/N...can we talk?"

"Now? It's almost 1 am you guys. I'm tired and just want to sleep."

"Always about you huh?" Ace said in a nasty tone. He was looking for a fight, but you weren't going to take the bait. You didn't understand his anger, everything had worked out fine.

"I'm going to bed in the guest room. Luffy won't wake up. Good night, and congrats Ace, I'm glad you got the promotion you deserve it. And I really do mean it." You walked out of your room, past the boys. Taking your phone and phone charger. You didn't say another word to either of them.

When you got comfy, you checked your phone.

Perona: hey coffee tomorrow morning at Shaky's? Tell emo boy I'll take you to school. I need to talk to you.

You: yeah no problem. text me when you get here.

You sent a text to Law letting him know he was off the hook. He sent one back immediately saying that was fine.

Shaichi: hey how'd the dinner go?
Shaichi: Bepo misses you!
Shaichi: Penguin is a huge cheat! He has loaded dice for Yahtzee! 😡
Shaichi: what's the news on your car?

You: dinner was fine, he got promoted. Tell Penguin to use different dice. I missed Bepo too. I'll tell you tomorrow about my car.

Then the text you dreaded reading. The one from Killer. You had tried to be as nice as possible in rejecting him, but maybe he was upset anyway.

Killer: I can understand that. How about coffee Saturday then? Or lunch? Let me know.

Hmmm you thought about it but decided coffee was better. You were going to go shopping Saturday and a early start wouldn't hurt.

You: coffee sounds fine. let me know what time. coffee is usually a good thing after a party. see you later.

You silenced your messages and went to sleep.

A couple of hours later you woke up and found Ace sleeping next to you, his back to you. His slight snoring the only noise you heard.

"I love you Ace and I'm so proud of you. I wish I could go back in time and redo it all." You patted his back then turned around.

What you didn't know was that Ace was awake, and had heard you. He started to cry. He loved you too, he didn't know why he couldn't let the past go. And he knew it still bothered you, he'd kept the letter you'd wrote him. He wanted to hug you like he used to do with Luffy when they were younger. But knew if he did you'd know he'd been awake. But tomorrow morning he could say what he wanted.

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