Chapter 2

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Hi Again Friends! Hopefully this one's a bit longer than last time 0.o

back to da story

~Next Day~

Kody's pov

*Wakes up grogily* "Ughhhh what time is it." I said as I looked at my clock "Crap its already 9:00 i gotta wake up Lumine" I said as I ran out my door only then I realized it was Saturday and Lumine was sleeping in my bed... then i felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Lumine asking me "Did you have a nightmare or something Kody?!" I replied "No.. I just forgot that today was Saturday." He said back "Oh well... what do you want to do today Kody?" I said "How about we go iceskating"

Lumine's pov

I looked at him embarrassingly and said shyly "but Kody I-I uh umm"

He said back "what Lumine?"

I finished with a "I don't know how to skate..."

He said with full kindness in his heart "it's okay Lumine i'll help you!"

I thought in my head (I found out how to do it yaay) This is going to be the best day ever !I learn something new and it's from Kody!!!  *softly squeals*

~an hour later~ 

Aiden's Pov

"Ok boys! have fun" I said when they left.As they were walking out the door Silver ran out the door to get the car ready.

If ya couldn't tell it be winterrr!

Silver's Pov

*driving vibes*

The kids got out and paid for shoes to go into the rink

I waved at them saying goodbye at the same time 

Lumine's pov 

When I got out there it felt like my Legs were non-existent but Kody was there so I had to not be en-caved by fear 

~30 mins later~

Still Lumine's pov

Joy rushed through my entire body as I was getting the hang of it, but I soon realized Kody let go of me I fell and I got mad at Kody,I yelled at Kody "Why did you do that to meee!" He replied "Because it was funny and I'm sorry i did that to you.." he said that while he was trying so hard not to laugh. Kody let his hand down to help me up and I grabbed it and thought in my head Wow he is so warm I never want to let go of him I just want him to be mine forever and ever!

Whoa what the heck brain!?!?! I mean yes he's cute and all but theres no way he will feel the same 

I came back to my senses after Kody knocked on my head

I said "we are leaving i don't wanna be here anymore..." Kody replied ok lets go Shopping then we need some groceries."

I said "Ok!" and we left and went to the store.

~at the store~

Kody's pov

When we arrived at the store we went over to get some eggs and other supplies for stuff like sweets. Lumine and I also talked small talk while we were there. then Lumine said "Hey look it's school skip guy!" I said "What? Lumine what are you talking about?"while chuckling Lumine pointed to a guy in a red jacket,I said "Ooooh you mean Elijah." Lumine said "Oh I Didn't know that was his name.."

Elijah's Pov

I glanced Behind me and happened to see Kody hanging out with that white haired boy from school. I walked over and said "Hey I never asked you for your name,what is it?"

??? replied"Oh my name is Lumine!"

"Cool name!mines elijah!" I replied and then also said "Oh h-h-hey Kody"

Kody said"Hey Elijah."

"Look" I said before Kody Stopped me "it's okay Elijah chill we good now"

I thought before they waved good bye,Dang Lumine's cute OH NOPE BRAIN NOT TODAY

As I waved back at them I looked speechless Im glad me and Kody are friends again but I have a Crush on Iumine don't I...

~at home 3 hrs later~

Kody's Pov 

We heard the sound of a window breaking.Lumine instantly got mad while looking at the guy and barked "What are you doing here?!?!?"

??? Pov

"HeHe stupid child you need to come back to your mother" I said before launching at Lumine

(sorry for short pov's)

Lumine's pov

I dodged that guys Attack That's when i saw Kody get hit I turned into my werewolf form and bit the guy out of fury and anger He pulled out a knife and stabbed me until I passed out All I saw after that was black

729 words wow that's long even for me Cliffhanger i'm so evil >:3 sorry for real tho Don't hate me please

Thank you for reading and see ya next time my friends ^.^

(i had a whole entire plot set out for this chapter sadly only 4/5 of it was used)

The same guy/girl idk help me again thank it means the world to me

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