Home Sweet Home

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Chapter 24 - Home Sweet Home

Bridgette's pov

        I can't believe that had just happened, Carter was really about to tell everyone Alison's biggest secret..the affair she had with a married teacher. I knew I had to stop him, so I slapped him.

I didn't regret it one bit, there was no way I was just going to stand back and have my friend get humiliated like that. Sure, we had our ups and down, but all in all, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy

Kendall walked me to her car and pulled out her motorcycle from the trunk,

''Here'' she turned to me with a helmet in her hand, ''for protection purposes''

I took it from her hand and was working on putting it on while she placed the motorcycle on the ground.

''Of course, we wouldn't want any accidents happening, right?'' I mocked her

She rolled her eyes and got on the motorcycle with her own helmet already placed on,

''Get on smart ass''

''What about Lewis? Wouldn't he be worried about where you went''

''I should ask the same about Zachery and Victor of course''

''I got kicked out, you're a chaperone and it's mandatory that you're there''

''Hmm well, that's too bad because since you got kicked out, it's my job to make sure that you get home safely''

''How nice of you''

''Get on''

I tucked up my dress and climbed onto the backseat of the motorcycle. During the last few weeks, Kendall had bought a new motorcycle that had two seats instead of one so that I was able to ride along with her without it being cramped.

As soon as I was on, I wrapped my arms around her stomach and she started to drive slowly down the road,

''So, what are you going to tell your mom?''

''The truth''


''Yes she won't be upset, plus I know that if I tried to lie, it more than likely will fail''

''You've lied before and she didn't believe you?''

''Plenty of times''

''Oh well, I know that this prom was important to you. I'm sorry that it got ruined tonight''

''It's fine I guess, I'm just glad that I stopped Carter from telling everyone Alison's secret''

''I didn't think he would actually do it''

''Me either, but I guess he really feels bad about his break up with Alison and wanted to get back at her''

''Now what happens?''

''We both got kicked out, hopefully Alison is okay''

''You should talk to her when you get a chance''

''I will, in the morning, right now I wanna go home and just go to sleep I guess. I have nothing better to do''

''Hmm, how about you spend the night with me, we can do whatever you want?''

I bit my lip, a night with Kendall would be amazing, but my mom would definitely not agree. I could lie and say that I wanted to spend the night with Alison....

''While that sounds nice and all, I really just wanna go home''

''Oh well okay'' I could hear the slight sadness in her voice,

Kendall Red (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now