Part 2

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Jane was about to leave Chimon and Nanon to go to her next class when she realized she needed to come clean to them. She just saw first hand how absolutely chaotic it was when friends keep secrets from each other. The truth always comes out in the end anyway, she thought.

She had been thinking about it since Nanon invited her to lunch but she was afraid of their possible reactions. She didn't have to tell anyone before back in her hometown because everybody already knew her since birth.

"Guys, I know we just met but you have trusted me enough to talk about serious personal stuff," she started while looking down at her fingers.

"I truly appreciate that. And I know that if we're really going to be friends, I will have to be completely honest with you."

Nanon and Chimon both stood up, seeing Jane trembling and totally serious.

"What is it, Jane?" Chimon asked.

"You haven't killed anyone, have you?" Nanon joked.

Jane managed to smile.

"Nope." She sighed. "Nanon, I'm not here because of a scholarship. My parents actually have some profitable businesses back in my province. We're not exactly from different worlds financially but I'm just sort of a nobody compared to popular guys like you two."

Nanon laughed. "You're not a nobody. And about being here because of a scholarship, I kinda thought that was hard to believe. Those Gucci sneakers looked real to me."

"So you were checking me out then," Jane answered back.

"Come on, I'm gay," Nanon quipped. "I would lose my gay card if I couldn't identify authentic fashion stuff. But how about the packed lunch?"

Jane laughed. "Haha. I'm trying to lose weight. Where do you think can I buy fresh carrot and celery sticks and hummus around this campus?"

Then her expression became more somber. "Guys, I'm a transwoman. I was born male and I have transitioned throughout high school. After graduation, my parents allowed me to have sex reassignment surgery in Thailand. And now here I am."

She took a deep breath. "So yeah. Now I would understand if you're not cool with that. I mean I will be quite disappointed but I would understand."

Nanon didn't bat an eye and immediately hugged Jane. "Thank you for telling us, Jane."

Chimon was less direct, "Can I hug you too?" he asked.

"Of course!" Jane answered then waited for Chimon to hug her.

"You're really pretty for a transwoman. I can barely tell up to now," Chimon said and then immediately stopped. "Oh no, those comments aren't good, right? I'm sorry."

Jane nodded. "Yeah, I know you meant well but comments like that aren't helpful. Thanks for the compliment though."

"Wow this is starting to be a great day after all," Nanon said. "I'm glad I met you, Jane. Seriously."

"Me too," Chimon added. He raised an imaginary glass and said, "Here's to many years of friendship!"

Nanon and Jane pretended to raise their glasses too before laughing again.


Around 4pm the next day, Nanon asked Chimon to accompany him to the locker room.

He had been dreading that moment ever since he talked to the basketball coach and team manager.

"What for?" asked Chimon. "I thought you quit the team."

"I still have some stuff there. I want to empty my locker before the evening practice. I don't want too many people to see me there."

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