Chapter Six:

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It's only been a week and a half but I feel like I could spend literal years with this man; even with his bad hobbies. We've been working on them, and explaining them; ever since his small panic attack and the smack to my face, the two of us have pretty much been inseparable. I mean, obviously we were always together to begin with, however now there was more to it then him just being worried I'd run away. It seems Brahms needs someone to keep him sane and he believes that someone is me. I can help him, and I will help him to the best of my capabilities. I can be his lifeline and teach him right from wrong. Well, I can try.

My stomach growled loudly making me blush before leaning slightly to see if that woke him up; when it didn't I let out a small sigh of relief before Brahms immediately pushed himself up and was leaning over me in a push-up position while he stared at my face looking semi alert. Ever since he had fallen asleep resting on top of me a few days ago, we've been hooked on this intimate position, and he regularly sleeps on top of me. Patting his hair I cocked my head to the side in confusion before giving him a worried look.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he slowly began to lay his body back down onto mine; he gave me a slight nervous smile before shaking his head dismissively. I concluded that he must have saw my startled expression, and felt bad. He was normally a very calm individual, so seeing him alert and borderline jumpy really made me feel anxious. 

"I thought I heard something." he whispered before laying his head back down on my chest and sighing while burrowing deeper. Just before we got comfortable again, a crashing sound came from somewhere in the house startling us both. In an instant Brahms was up and pulling me by the hand from the bed towards the fire place. I had no idea how on earth we managed to get out of the bed so fast. 

"Brahms?!" I hushed my voiced while tripping over my own feet as the gigantic man pulled me behind him. I watched as he pulled open a hidden door and pushed me inside of it before he closed it behind us. Once in the secret passage he turned to me and put a finger up to his lips gesturing for me to stay quiet and follow behind him. I nodded my head quickly with my heart racing, and like ghosts we moved through the rooms and levels of the house silently until we passed by Greta's room. Looking in through two peak holes I saw that her bed was empty, and her IV stand was knocked over.

Scanning the room I was shocked to see that it was vacant and the door was wide open. Panic set into my heart as I thought about all the possible situations I was about to walk into; what if she remembered everything and was trying to make a break for it? How would that go over? Was I really about to watch my best friend lose her life? Looking to my left I saw that Brahms was halfway down the makeshift hall but stopped just as the corner gesturing for me to follow him. He moved so fast, and his legs were so long that it was like I was running a marathon just trying to keep up with him. We went around the house scanning each room through different peak holes trying to locate Greta until I just couldn't push myself anymore.

Stamina in bed verses physical stamina are two way different things apparently. I held my thighs while I was bent over and sucked in breath after breath while attempting to stay as quiet as possible. I had fallen behind multiple moments ago and I don't think Brahms noticed yet; well I didn't until he came frantically rushing back only to pause when he saw me. I waved my hand at him gesturing for him to go on without me but he just puffed out what sounded like a sigh of relief.

Standing just in front of me he patted my head before leaning down to my level with a smirk on his face. I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes before looking back at the ground shaking my head.

"I guess we'll have to work on that stamina, wont we mouse?" his voice licked at my ears immediately making me stand straight with the hottest blush I've ever felt on my cheeks. Mouse? When did we decide on pet-names? And why am I mouse!? I stared at Brahms bewildered but he just laughed silently while keeping his finger to his lips commanding me to stay quiet. I couldn't believe this.

"If I'm the mouse, does that make you the cat? Like Tom and Jerry?" I questioned in a harsh whisper while pushing at his shoulder. I don't know where this goofy side came from, but I'm more than thankful that he's showing it to me seeming almost carefree. 

Brahms shrugged his shoulders while also looking at me with a grin on his lips. I'm glad that he's not wearing that mask right now; I much rather prefer seeing all of his facial expressions instead of having to imagine what they look like. Not to mention I'm so grateful that he's comfortable enough to show me his true face; scars and all. The blush drained from my face and a content smile replaced it as I watched him struggle to keep quiet while he chuckled at me. 

"Anyways, I found your friend." he said wiping his face of his previous smile, making me frown. I raised an eyebrow when he motioned for me to follow him, but I obeyed when he started to turn in the direction he had come from. Feeling rambunctious I sped forward and came up right behind him before passing him with a daring grin on my face; only to suddenly be dragged backwards by the back of my neck. The giggle that left my throat was loud and obnoxiously girlie as Brahms skillfully yanked me back only to smash my front into his chest as his fingers gripped into the back of my neck. 

I gasped at the intense look that the brown haired man held as he stared into my eyes; the feeling that spread through my chest had me biting my lip. Now was definitely not the time for these games, but Brahms just had this uncanny ability to tear at my heart. I stared up into his eyes as he gripped my neck holding me in place; slowly he bent down closer until he was right against my ear.

"Now, now." he whispered huskily. "Where do you think you're going?"

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