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As I sat there and watched little kids run around the park and mom's and dad's chasing after them; tears streamed down my cheek. I wiped it away before anyone noticed. I never had a childhood like that. I dont envy them tho, I'm happy these kids are having a great childhood.. 

 A little girl noticed me; quickly I turned away to cover my face. I didnt want her to see my face; my monstrous face. My face that has been burnt, cut, beaten you name it. The little cocked head to the side signyfying she was confused and intrigued at the same time.She came closer.I tried ignoring her, but that worked for about a minute. 

"Hi" was all she said. Heck, it was all she had to say. Her cute innocent voice got to me. She sounded so pure, so believing, so full of life. I turned to look at her.

"Hi" I managed to croak out. I havent spoken to anyone lately. I'm still too shaken up by last year. 

"I dont think it's halloween" she said. I furrowed my eyebrows and crinkled my nose; what I do when Im confused. 


she stood in front of me and used her thumb to point at my face. "you. why are you wearing a mask? it's not halloween or anything" 

A few tears escaped my once strong barrier to keep them in the tear ducts. I snifed and wiped a few tears away. "it's not a mask." I said caressing my once smooth face. "this is my real face. please go. I dont want anyone to look at me. I'm ugly" I added

 She looked taken aback. "Your not ugly. My daddy says that every girl is a princess. do you know what that means?" 

I shook my head 'no'

  She sighed. "it means every girl is beautiful. You are beautiful" she said emphasizing on the word 'you' 

 I smiled. Its cute how her dad told her that. "I'm not the least pretty" I said 

  she gasped. "You are! Look at you! You have blue eyes as crystal as the blue ocean, hair the colour of an autumn leaf and skin as fair as snow." she complimented me. I looked up at her grey eyes. somehow, her grey eyes were sprakling; happiness was surely visible. 

 I smiled. "And that smile most definitely adds a sparkle to your eyes" she added 

  My smile grew wider. "thank you" 

"Your welcome" she chirped

"Sierra! Sierra darling where are you?" one of te mother's said 

"Oo! I have to go. My mummy's looking for me. BYE!" She said as she ran to her mother. I smiled at the scene; Sierra running into her mother's arms and her mother embracing her daughter with nothing but pure love. 

 I was enjoying the scene when someone covered my mouth with a cloth and yanked me away with them. I screamed, but that clearly was a mistake since whoever this person is drugged the cloth. I passed out after I let out my third attempt to scream. 


  I woke up in a dark lit room. There was only a light bulb that was dimly lit right above my head. I think I was on a wooden chair. My hands were tied behind my back, they used a piece of cloth to cover my mouth. I took in my surroundings; I dont know this place. I heard a noise coming from my left. I turned my head to the left and my eyes went wide. I was face to face with my mother's kidnapper once again. Now as I took in the surroundings, I see my father's killer, my brother's killer and a few other guys who broke into my house last year. Then a man came face to face with me. He wanst one of the I'm-bad-but-I-have-a-heart kind of guy, oh no! He was the one who tortutred me to the point where I thought I was dead. 

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