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I'll start with this one sense it was mentioned in the forms there would be one.

Name: "I'm surprised, actually I'm not, why would you know my name" she said

(Carol J. Branson)

Nicknames: "You can call me Mommy or honey if you want~" she said flirting

(None unless you come up with some)

Age: "No it's not nice to ask a female about her age" she said teasingly


Birthday: "August the fourth" she stated

Gender: She puffed her cheeks out "Now I think that's obvious" she said


Sexuality: "The only thing I'm interest is in you senpai~" she said


Looks: Carol has long dark curly red hair that reached halfway down her back, her eyes are a mix of dark and light blue, she has Caucasian skin with rosy cheeks, and freckles that go all over her face and shoulders.

Accessories: She has one nose piercing which is on the left side of her nose (it's a ruby), and one tattoo which is located going down her spine (its a caduceus symbol and it starts her shoulder blades and ends halfway down her back).

Outfit: She changes up her outfit everyday like a normal person, but something you might see her wear a lot is a pink sweater that shows her left shoulder and brah strap (red if your wondering), blue skinny jeans with rips in them, and black and white Addis as sneakers.

Personality: Carol is very upfront about what she likes and who she is, she is also very flirty, jealous, and overprotective of her senpai and she is willing to kill those who even look at him way to long.

Likes: "Well I like you, the color red, food, you, skateboarding, and you" she said smirking

Dislikes: "ANYONE WHO THINKS THEY CAN TOUCH OR EVEN LOOK AT M-" she paused and breathed in and out a few times "my senpai" she finished

Family: "Their all alive and well but their always away on business trips" she said "You know what that means, I'm always home alone~" she flirted

Backstory: Find out in story, if it ever brings up this part.

Powers: None, but it seems as she has the power to never get arrested .

Turn one: Being near her senpai, choking, being called nicknames especially mommy, and being controlled

Turn offs: Being spit on, and slapped at least to hard

Other: She owns a few kitties.

Scenario: You we're walking home from school and felt off you felt as if someone was watching you, you looked around but saw nothing besides some birds flying by and some leaves blowing in the wind, you shrugged it off and walked to your house and unlocked the door "Watcha doing their Hun~" Carol said making you jump as she cane out of no where, You?

Scenario 2: Something has been bothering you about your bestfriend, she has been acting weird when girls/boys have been coming around you even to say "Hi" she always gripped you tightly, one time hard enough her nails made you bleed, it's been bugging you so you decided you would stop by her house and see what was going on after school, and after school you did just that, but when you went to knock on the door it opened up and you couldn't see Carol but you could hear her humming what scared you is she was humming Freddy Kruger's themes song, You?

Scenario 3: Make it up

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