Your Popular Crush

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Name: she smiled "My name is Blake, Blake S. Serovin" she said

Nickname: "Well most people call me for dinner" she joked "Ahh, just playing Umm...the only one I can think of is Pinky, but I'm pretty sure that's cause my car is pink" she said

Age: "Now it's not nice to ask a lady her age, but it is for a project, so I am 17, only a year older than you (That's a possibility)" she said surprising you that she even knew that

Birthday: "December twenty fifth, I'm everyone's favorite Christmas present" she said

Gender: "Oh come on, I go into the ladies locker room after all" she said smiling


Sexuality: "U-ugh Umm" she coughed and cleared her throat "Excuse me" she asked


Looks: Blake had short hair that only reached her shoulders the left side was dark brown and the right side was blonde, she had dark brown eyes, and pale skin that was complimented by her freckles.

Accessories: Blake wore Black glasses, she had a nose piercing and ear piercings (Like the ones showed in a earlier chapter I'm to lazy to look), and had a tattoo between her thumb and pointer finger it was a tattoo of the sword Excalibur.

Outfit: Blake changes outfits daily, but her favorite outfits is a black nirvana shirt that stops at her belly button revealing just a bit of skin (Usually wears long-sleeve fishnet shirt under this), black skinny jeans usually with a belt of some kind just for fashion reasons, and black boots about ankle high.

Personality: Despite being popular she did not fall under the category of normal popular people, she is a huge nerd and loves to talk to people especially those who are lonely, she loves to help others and keep people happy, and she is always the one people think of when it comes to just wholesome individuals.

Likes: Blake loves to watch movies especially bad ones or nerdy one, she likes animals, cooking, reading, painting, smoking pot, and skateboard.

Dislikes: Jocks, bullies, and blood.

Family: All alive and well, her mom works as the school counselor and is the second most loved adult in the building, her dad works for the stock market and helps manage peoples stocks, her little brother is still a baby and absolutely adorable.

Backstory: Before Blake became popular and started to live a comfortable life, she and her family lived on the streets for years, it's a wonder she was never taking away, they had to panhandle for money and do odd jobs but they saved every cent of it for eight years until they had enough to send her mom to finish college, and once she did, they began to start to live better and then they moved to Colorado where they currently reside and live happily.

Powers: Nada

(Unless you specifically ask, them she has the power to have anyone that talks to her to instantly fall asleep when she says "Sleep")

Turn ons: Slight pain, spanking, choking, name calling, and pulling of the hair.

Turn offs: Calling her mommy, too much pain, and quickies.

Other: She is like the perfect girl to simp over fellows, and she is short only 5'1 (If this is your height, no offense that's short at least to me).

Scenario 1: You were at a party, you weren't exactly having the best of times your friends you came here with got lost in the crowd and you might have been a little to drunk but you managed to look sober except for the giant red blush on your face, your were just thinking about leaving when you heard a fimiliar voice "Hey watcha doing here all alone, it's a party after all" Blake said to you and put her finger over your mouth as she took a hit of a joint and inhaled it twice before holding it in and blowing it out letting out a small cough and removing her finger and offering the joint to you "Now as I was saying it's a party, why so alone" she asked, You?

Scenario 2: You were walking home when you heard crying you followed the crying and ended up in an alley way, you were about to turn around due to the sketchy nature but something in you made you persist on as you walked down the crud got louder until you reached the source and it shocked you it was Blake, she was crying into her knees, you tapped her shoulder and she looked at you her mascara all messed up dripping down her face "Oh hello (Y/N), don't worry I'm ok" she said as she began to get up, You?

Scenario 3: Make it up.

Random fact, this is my favorite female oc of mine.

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