Incalculable Losses

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     Once the corpse of that Beast was taken care of, we got another alarm straight away. That doesn't make sense...two in a single day? This is unnatural, I'll have to look into that further. Typh and I looked at each other and I figured I should handle this.

-"I'll take care of it." I said, turning to leave.

-"Wait! Gipsy, let me do it!" Typh said, seeming desperate.

-"Typh, I don't think that's a good idea. You couldn't handle the last one, how will you fare against another one while you have these damages?" 

-"Gipsy, please...let me do it." 


     He seemed nervous and embarrassed, what was this about?

-"Look...I think Lady Vert's been disappointed with my performance recently. I need to prove to her that I'm useful! So please, can I do it?"

     I can relate to that goal. Trying to make your creator happy is natural for me, I assume the others feel the same as well.

-"Fine. But at the first sign of trouble, send out a distress call. Got it?" I said, reluctantly.

-"Yes! I will, just watch me. I'll cut up this guy like trees!" He said, rushing off.

     I headed back inside, hoping he returns safely. I ran into Striker and Cherno in the main hangar.

-"Hey! Gipsy, there you are! Heard you got sent out to deal with a Beast with Typh. How'd that go?" Cherno asked.

-"Fine, no major issues. I thought you two were in maintenance." I said, curious.

-"We just finished actually. Cherno and I always feel revitalized after a good rest. You should try it. You've been doing repairs on yourself all this time, right?" Striker asked.

-"Yeah, it's relatively quick and efficient. I'm surprised you three don't have self repair capabilities." I said.

-"Never needed it, I guess. Anyway, where's Typh? Bragging to Vert about his success?" Cherno asked, laughing slightly.

-"No, he's out going after another Beast." I said.

     The two turned to look at me in disbelief.

-"Two?!" Cherno asked.

-"In the same day?!" Striker continued.

-"Yeah, but I'm sure he's fine." I said, not entirely believing myself.

-"No no no, that can't be good. Come on Gipsy, we're going to help him!" Striker said, ushering me with him.

     I followed and looked back at Cherno who was waiting in the hangar.

-"Make sure he's safe!" Cherno said to Striker.

     Striker threw her a thumbs up and we got outside, heading to Typh's position.

     Once we were close enough to see him, it was clear he was losing. The Beast was large, four-legged and had a tail that seemed highly agile. It looked like Typh got a few saw blade swings into its chest.  Striker, blinded by his anger and desire to save Typh, rushed ahead of me. 

-"Typhoooon!" Striker yelled, getting both Typh's and the Beast's attention.

     The Beast suddenly threw Typh into the water and started to swim towards Striker.

-"Gipsy, check on Typh! I'll take care of this over-sized meat sack!" Striker said.

-"Got it!" I said, making a wide arc to get to Typh.

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