overprotective f.w 

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a/n since I like the Dolan twins I'm going to add them to this imagine :) and also you live with the twins in there house



Today my brothers are going to meet Finn and I'm nervous because Ethan and Grayson have never approved of any of my guy friends or my other boyfriend. There to overprotective of me, I don't mind but sometimes it gets annoying. I'm a little famous I have a YouTube channel with over six million followers and I have a little bit of an acting career so my guy old friends have tried to use me for fame or my body.

Me and Finn have been bestfriends for maybe three years we met through Sophia Lillis and we've been stuck to each other since, he had confessed his feelings for me and now we're dating and we have been for three months. We haven't told the internet though because we're not ready.  The twins said they would pick him up at the airport and he could stay with us.

Finns POV

Oh gosh I'm so nervous what if they don't like me and they make me have to break up with her because they don't think I'm good enough or wh- I got interrupted by the flight attendant saying that we're about to land. I got so anxious but then y/n texted me and I calmed down a little.

Little baby 🥺💗
Are you here yet Finn

        Dweeb 🥺💖
I'm about to land see you soon 💘

Little baby 🥺💗
Okay I see you soon 🥰


Me and gray got out and wait while Ethan was in the car, after like two minutes of looking we found Finn. He ran up to me and gave me a big fat hugg, "I missed you" he said "I missed you too". He then gave me a peck on the lips and gray raised a brow and looked at him, "oh uh s-sorry" Finn blushed from embarrassment. "I'm just playing" Grayson laughed and hit his shoulder softly, "so your the famous Finn y/n always talks about hmm" with a smirk, "um yeah I guess I am" Finn chuckled while I blushed. "Alright let's goo we can talk at the house" you said before Grayson said anything else embarrassing.

When we got home gray and e "interviewed him" so they made me go to my room while they sat in the kitchen table. Ugh there so childish I laughed to myself.

Finns POV

We sat down at the table and sat there for a little bit in silence then Grayson said "I'm Grayson" "and I'm eth-" " I know who y'all are y/n always talks about you guys she always says how much of great brothers you both are" then Ethan smiled and said "did she say which one of us were her favorite" "she said Cameron was her favorite" I said with a chuckle "oh" they both said in sync with. "Anyways so how did you meet y/n" gray asked "we met through her my friend Sophia"


After a while I got bored I decided to get out of my room, so I sat on the couch and tried to listen. "Ok last question" gray said "have you both said I love you to each other" "no we haven't" Finn had said "but do you love her" e said. My eyes widened and I listened "yeah of course I do I think I loved her since the day I met her" I blushed so hard but then I heard them get up so I ran back to my room quickly but quietly and closed the door. Then when I sat down on my bed they came in with Finn and said "Grayson and Ethan Dolan approved" with a smile and a thumbs up.

Then they left and said "keep the door open" "ok" I said with a little laugh. "Why is your face so red" "I heard what you said about the last question they asked you" blushing even more. Finn started to blush and said "oh um I-" " I love you too" I blurted out. Finn smiled and hugged me giving me the biggest kiss "good",  after that we both fell asleep cuddling.

The end?
a/n I don't if I like it or not so please don't hate on me if it's bad this is my first time 🥺

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