Jealous m.w

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a/n sorry I took forever to post it just I have been busy crying, my bestfriend of 10 years told me she didn't want to be bestfriends anymore so and I was on vacation (I seen this somewhere in a book with a different character but I'm writing it different)

Summary: mike gets jealous of a five year old when he kisses you

Your POV
I was going to babysitting my neighbors five year old while they went out to dinner, as I was about to leave the house I got a call from mike.

"Hello" "hey y/n what you doing" mike asked "I was about to go and babysit Matthew" "can I come and help" he asked "yeah sure" I said , "alright see you there" "yeah bye mike" and I hung up.

✨✨five minutes later✨✨
I was sitting with Matthew when I heard knocking "hold up Matthew I'll be back" and he just nodded and turned to the tv.

I opened the door to see mike, "hey mike here come inside" he walked in smiled at me and gave me a peck on the lips. "Geez could you have took longer I was freezing my butt off" he said roiling his eyes playfully I laughed and hit him in the back of the head lightly "it's hot out mike".

We sat down on the couch and Matthew turned around "is that the boy that you said that was your boyfriend uhh blike" "no it's mike" you said with a laugh. "Oh well he's funny looking, I look better than him a lot if girls like me from school" he said pushing his hair back. "Yeah you do look better and maybe you can teach me your ways" mike said playfully I looked at him and chuckled.

"Look all you have to do is do this watch me" he said trying to whisper to mike, he went up to me and kissed me on the lips my eyes widened as I pulled back and looked at mike. "Okay here we go" mike said getting up to put him in his room then I busted out laughing.

Mike came back with a "really" look on his face, he came up to me and sat down next to me hugged me putting his head on my chest with a mad expression. "Why did you put him to bed his bedtime is a hour" I said laughing, "he looked tired" he said blankly "no he didn't you were just jealous" I said giggling. "So what your mine he didn't have to kiss you" he looked up at me with a pouty face my face soften "aw bubs it's okay I love you more you dont have to worry about him" "I love you too" he said giving me a kiss then we fell asleep on the couch till there parents came back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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