Part 1

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Aniki = Older Brother (Izuku is the oldest twin)

imouto =  Younger sister

"Good morning, Aniki-Sama..." You yawn, walking to the kitchen table Izu was seated at.

"Morning, Imouto. Mother is at work but she made breakfast." Izuku indicated to a breakfast Japanese rice bowl. "Mother knows how you like Japanese dishes and rice so she made it especially for you!" Izuku smiled lovingly. You loved Izuku, he was kind, courteous and warm. He was everything you wanted. You would do anything for him. You timidly tugged on your middle school uniform sleeve.

"Aniki-Sama... I love you and I love mummy. Thank you." Izuku beamed again concluding, your heart ricocheted a beat at his empathetic and comforting smile. How could he love you so much? How could he love you, a repulsive person, who dares bide a secret from him? A secret which could give you success but him a rotten heart? 'It's for the best.' You told yourself. 'Aniki would just feel bad.' You fiddled with the hem of your mid-length middle school skirt, tears balling up in your crybaby eyes, still standing there idly.

"Well? I understand you love what's left of your family, very much. So, why don't you come to sit down with Aniki for your favourite breakfast?" You walked quietly over to him. You sat very close and nudged yourself next to him. "Why be shy in our own household? There's nothing to be scared of. Your safe, Y/n."

You shrugged at the boy. "Thanks for the meal." And with that, you began to eat.


When you arrived at Aldera Junior High you made sure to adhere yourself to your twin brother. As you walked past the halls the usual set of viewing eyes lay upon you. You were a small, fragile 'quirkless' girl. You were cute and pretty so you had many admired, none of which struck your heart. Usually, while being confessed to you started crying. You didn't want the rejectee to feel bad about themself and you were obviously terrified of confrontation.

As you came to your class door Izuku suddenly hugged you. "Aniki-Sama?" You quietly questioned. 

"Imouto... I need you to go take a seat... without me. The teacher requested me alone before class." Your eyes began to tear-up. It was scary for you to walk into a class of students, be stared at, and not have Izuku with you. He kissed you on the forehead. "I believe in you, my dear intelligent Imouto." You knew you were smart, everyone knew that, but being told Izuku believed in you was like music to your ears.

"Okay, Aniki-Sama..." You quietly accepted, timidly nodding your head. He waved goodbye as he hopped away. You shrugged down before sighing and turning away.

As you walked to your seat, behind Kacchan a boy you've known (And been bullied by) since elementary, you stumble and fell onto the floor. Kacchan scoffed at you and everyone just stared. This was horrible! You fell, embarrassingly, in front of everyone! You got up and hastily sat down. Kacchan sat on top of his desk facing you.

"Stupid nerd." He tsked. You swallowed slightly.

"Y-you shouldn't sit on t-t-top of t-t-the table, Kacchan."  You said, as quiet as ever, a volume Kacchan adjusted himself to understand.

"What did you say, stupid stuttering nerd?" Your eyebrows creased and your anxiety piqued. But you stood to your justice.

"You shouldn't sit on top of the table, Kacchan." You said more confidently, more quietly, less stutter. Suddenly, your table was kicked away by the now smirking Kacchan. You fell to the floor with a squeal. You noticed your palms were grazed and your stocking socks where ripped at the knees due to the impact of the fall. Kacchan held egotism in his eyes.

"Some stupid quirkless girl can't tell me, the strongest person in Aldera, what to do." You began to quietly sob in pain.

As Kacchan began to crouch down to supposedly hit you a worried Izuku came rushing In. His voice sounded malice and beyond anger. "Kacchan! Don't you dare hit her!" His warning was made clear, no one was too dare harm a hair on his sweet sister's body. Just as Kacchan was about to retaliate the teacher interrupted.

The lesson began. Little did you know your next encounter with Kacchan would grant you power. Little did Izuku know this power, this quirk, was going to be your second. Little did you know UA waited ahead, your journey waited ahead. You were destined to be the number one hero alongside many.

Midoriya, Y/n... The greatest hero of all time.

Please read:

You're a shy AND CLINGY reader, that will be very important for the plot. So, if you don't particularly like that, I apologise!

Also, I won't add smut, but, perversion? For sure.

-> When you see Deku gender-bend all you see are characters 'simping' over her in non-discreet. So, this is basically the same thing except Izuku is your brother. That's why if you're a little young then I advice viewer discretion.

-> Also, Izuku will NOT be a love interest. I have nothing against who you love, love is love BUT I do not condone for incest at all.

Thank you <3

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