happy birthday

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The song doesnt have much to do with the chapter it's just a good song

This is gonna be kinda angsty but then it turns kinda fluff


Denki pov
I was laying in my bed when suddenly I sat up because I heard yelling. I shot up from my bed to see what was happening and i looked out my bedroom door and saw my parents fighting..........again. this is how I wake up most mornings....to my parents arguing or fighting. I locked my door like any other day and started getting ready for school. You see I'm an idiot but somehow I got into ua I really try to be good at school I just lose most of my hard work when I short circuit. I also have insomnia due to my quirk and I cant sleep unless I am with someone I really trust and I have trust issues so I dont trust many I only trust my best bro kirishima and my best broette mina. They know about my insomnia, depression and my rough home life but theres not much they can do about any of them.

Time skip to after hes done getting ready

I left my room to get breakfast when I heard "hes too stupid I dont even know how hes in UA I thought they only let smart people in je couldnt have been smarter that the the other thousands of people with more potential than him" I stopped dead in my tracks. I could feel tears in the corner of my eyes, I was crying damnit I told myself i wouldnt cry anymore. I just quickly and quietly got an apple and left for school.

At ua

I got to school and saw my bro kiri I waved at him and he waved back but I didnt feel like talking to him right now so I just went to class even though it didnt start for another half hour

After class during lunch

I didnt eat because of my anorexia so I just sat on the roof and sang a song

I sang this song because I relayed to it alot and because it's a good song in general

As I was finishing the song a boy opened the roof door and I got startled and stopped singing

Shinso pov

I was just walking around the school when I heard singing it was very good so I went to check it out and when I opened the door I heard a squeak like if someone got scared and the singing stopped "why'd you stop it sounded good" I said with my best pouty face

Denki pov

He was so cute!!! I was probably blushing like a tomato but I dont really care hes so f*cking cute

Shinso pov (again)

he looked like a tomato and I got an idea. I learned in and i......I kissed him

Denki pov


I was so shocked but after a second I recovered and I kissed back


Well that's it

519 words

I am really sorry it's really bad and I didnt really do the best ending so if you want me to redo it or something tell me but for now I'm done it was a special for denki's birthday and stuff so it wasnt the best I was trying to get it up before midnight if I did any gramor mistakes or spelling mistake please tell me

Peace out non-existent reader

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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