Sisters friends-30

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So this is my sisters friends and their opinions of me bc we talked abt it recently

Tessa- hates me

Grace- also my cuz and we cool we hang out when she's at our house sometimes and she vents to me and stuff we closer than I am w any of my friends

Kirstin (idk how to spell)- she's afraid of me and it's funny like we were at the fair and I decided to go with them and walk around while they cleaned up after a heat of the demo derby so we started walking out of the grand stands and she sees me and she starts hiding behind their other friends saying "no no no please don't kill me" and it was fucking hilarious bc u could tell she wasn't acting

Paige- also afraid of me though I've only met her twice also cousins with my best friend

Lilly- not rly her friend but same age and rode our bus and she doesn't like me bc I'm 'weird'

???- my sister doesn't remember their name cuz we haven't been in school for a while but their absolutely terrified of me

Lmao I find it funny bc so many of them are scared of me and im barely 13 and their all 15 going on 16

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