New fic?-28

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Hi so all day I've been thinking abt making an actual fic but idk so in the fic it would take place in next gen and everyone lives and Sirius name is cleared and he has a YouTube channel where he makes prank vids and vlogs and everything also includes wolfstar Jeddy and scorbus mainly possible Drarry and Linny and I'm considering whether the muggle world knows abt magic and stuff and I'm mainly thinking abt a part where Sirius introduces the lupin/black/malfoy/Potter/Weasley clan in a vid also considering if reg lives and what his story is also if lucius is there or in Azkaban and if he's still with narcissa or divorced and if any next gen has kids and idk what year it's in between 2025 and 2030 or smth also Sirius is youtuber/auror and rem teaches in a muggle school

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