Chapter two: Little talk

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The day of the test, Chantel couldn’t help but be nervous, she knew she would do well, but she still got nervous when tests would come around. When she got to school, she instantly saw Demetri but he only waved at her, or maybe someone behind her? There were quite a few people behind her and when he waved over in her direction, the girls behind smiled, giggled, waved back to him and went to go talk to him. Other than that, he didn’t talk to her at all during school or even after school. The day just went by like any other day. Somehow she knew he wasn’t going to talk with her. He probably only talked with her in the first place just so he can look good, although whoever he was trying to impress wasn’t Katie, if so he wasn’t doing a good job at all.

Chantel was a little disappointed that he didn’t talk with her today. She couldn’t figure out why, it wasn’t like she expected anything more. But yet she was really hoping, longing for him to talk to her, but he didn’t. A sharp pain went throughout her chest. I’ve been through this before; there shouldn’t be any reason for me to be this upset over it! She tried telling herself; even still she had hoped this time would be slightly different. At all her other schools she had been an outcast, the number one kid to pick on or ingnored, everyone who knew about her had also known not to show any sign of kindness towards her or otherwise they too were picked on. But hope, hope she didn’t know was even within her, had risen up slightly when Demetri had defended her, his small gesture of kindness was enough to make her hope that this time, her school life could be different, better even. But who am I kidding? She asked herself, it was most likely just a onetime thing anyways! She thought as she walked on alone as always back to her house. She was sure he wouldn’t remember her or if he did wouldn’t waste his time defending her all the time.


“Chantel, get up, you need to get ready for school!” Her mother said, pulling her covers off of her quickly. Yawning she slowly sat up. “Okay, okay, I am up.” Chantel said, yawning again. Her mother gave her an inpatient look.

“Can’t you move any faster?” She asked as she threw her blanket on the floor as she roughly walked toward the bedroom door taking her leave. Climbing out of her bed, she headed to her bedroom bathroom. She had enough time to take a quick shower and get ready. After her shower and after she got ready, she ran down stairs to make her lunch. Soon enough she would be off to school, stopping in the living room Chantel bent down and gave her little sister a hug and a kiss on the forehead, running out the door she yelled back with her jacket half way falling off her arm.

“Have a good day at School Rosie!” Today was the day she would know how well she did on her test.

When She got to school, the teacher gave the students their test scores at the end of class. She walked out of the class room, smiling at her one hundred percent score.

“How did you do on your test?” Someone asked her, the voice sounded familiar. From the corner of her eye, she saw a guy look over her shoulder, his cheek practically touching hers as he looked at her score.

“Wow you did amazing!” He exclaimed. Flinching, she moved away and accidentally stepped on his foot. “Ouch!” Demetri suddenly cried. Blushing, she looked down.

“I-I am sorry, you startled me.” She apologized, shyly. Demetri just laughed and waved his hand like as if he was swatting some fly away.

“No, no it is alright, it was my fault for startling you.” He said as he chuckled. Chantel stared at him for a long moment with a raised eye brow.

“Um… w-wh-why are-are you talking…. to me?” She asked. Shocked by her own boldness, gasping she wished she could take back her words. But if he was just trying to use her it was best to get it out in the open now. Even Demetri was surprised by her question and his smile faded.

“Um… I-I mean… could it be that you need help with studying and that is the reason you are talking with me and defended me?” She asked. Demetri chuckled and shook his head.

“For one, I defended you because they were being rude and it was not acceptable and I really did not like it. Second, I don’t really think I need help with studying.” He said, pulling out his paper from his pocket, unfolding it and showing her his ninety-nine score.

 “I know that my scores are one less than yours but I think I am doing alright, thank you though for the offer.” He said kindly. Blushing Chantel looked down, she was entirely embarrassed for accusing him for talking to her and defending her just so he can look good and use her help.  But don’t let your guard down, he may not want to use you now or say it’s not the reason why he defended me but he could be lying just like I’ve been lied to before. She warned herself even still he seemed so sincere to her.

“I-I am sorry…” Chantel apologized.  Demetri raised a brow. “Why are you apologizing to me?” He asked with a smile. She blushed even more.

 “For accusing you, for saying you only helped me just so you can gain my favor and use my help later…” She told him. Demetri laughed and shrugged.

“No worries” He said, still smiling at her. Just those simple words touched her.  She was shocked that he was still being kind to her even though she had been mean to him just now, and accused him, but yet he was forgiving her and being nice still.

 “Thank you for defending me again… though you really didn’t have to” She told him slowly. His smile faded and stared at her with a blank face but slowly a smirk appeared on his face.

 “It is alright, you didn’t ask me to defend you I did it on my own decision. Honestly, I think those girls are jealous of you.” He replied. Her eyes widened and she looked up at him.

“Jealous? Why would they be jealous of me?” She asked with utter confusion. He chuckled and placed a knuckle on his chin, like as if he was thinking. “Well… You’re the new girl here and… well to them you are a treat, You are beautiful, funny, friendly, really smart, and kind.” He said. Suddenly, he looked away and she could see him blushing, just a little. He looked a little embarrassed like as if he said something that was a little too much. “I got to go, my friends are waiting on me, talk with you later.” Demetri said as he walked away. Her eyes followed him as he walked past her. He thinks I am beautiful? And he thinks I am funny? She really could not believe what she just heard. She pinched herself to make sure that she was not day dreaming, she felt the sting confirming she was indeed awake. Even though she knew she shouldn’t let any hope rise within her, she couldn’t help but see and feel as if he was different than all the other kids that had teased her, tricked her, used her and called her names in the past, something about him seemed different in a good way.

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