Chapter 5: 3 Dead, 1 Missing

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Your jaws stretch wide in a yawn, and your eyes flutter open, a groan escaping your lips. Your blankets are tangled around your legs, your head half off the pillow beneath you. The sky outside is grey with the indefinite promise of more rain, and you just hope that this time there won't be thunder and lightning. Your arm swings blindly around in search of your phone, which you end up finding beside the pillow your head was rested on, clicking it on and checking the time- it was 12 oclock sharp, and the first 'oh crap' that came to mind was that you hadn't gotten food for you ghost friend. You chuckle to yourself, noting how you're probably going insane worrying about the wellbeing of your poltergeist roommate, but you force yourself to sit up, stretching your back and hearing the clicks as it recenters itself.

"Good morning, world." you grumble, running your hand through the tangled mass that sat atop your head. You slip off of your bed, straining your legs, feet and toes, and then making your way to your bedrooms exit. You trudge down the stairs, rubbing sleep from your eyes, glancing into the living room and remembering last night's storm, the broken window, the crying yourself to sleep. The cardboard and duct tape you had set against the window to stop the elements- your brows furrow. You had left the window wide open- you had been too tired to care. Your steps are slow and careful as you make your way further into the living room, surprised by the absence of glass shards on the floor and even more surprised by the surprisingly well-done window cover. "What the..." you mumble, and your stomach lets out a grumble of complaint. You click your tongue, turning to your kitchen. Maybe one of Alec's goonies felt bad and came by. It didn't look like anything was missing or broken, so maybe this was just some freaky nice deed for a woman with a shattered window.

In the kitchen, you pull open the fridge, scanning it's contents and grabbing the carton of eggs and the package of bacon. You placed a frying pan atop the stove, cranking the temperature and cracking one egg, then two, then three, then a fourth. You hum a rather pleasant tune as the eggs simmer, grabbing another pan and getting to work on the bacon. You hoped your ghost buddy liked bacon and eggs. As you continued on with work you found yourself checking your text messages every few minutes, half-hoping for a notification from the mystery man, but finding none until the food was done and plated, and you were sitting down to eat. Now, as you took your first bite, the phone pinged, and you snatched it up faster than light.

Good morning- I smell breakfast!

Did you miss me?

You smile down at your phone, picking up your dish and moving towards the living room to let him eat without being seen. You sit down on the couch, your dish settled on your lap. Shovelling another bite of eggs into your mouth, you message back,

Good morning to you too. Help yourself, I made plenty.

Almost immediately you hear the clipping of heavy footfalls, and the scrape of the plate being plucked from the table. You shudder as eyes sear into the back of your head, but continue to eat without complaint, reaching for the TV remote and flicking your television on. The screen flared to life, and opened up on some stupid sitcom. You move to click the button and change the channel, flicking it to the news when your phone buzzes. You drop the remote, and read the new text.

I hope you don't mind me fixing that window as best as I can.

The pieces click together and you smile. Of course it was the ghost who fixed it! He was clearly very much real, and very much friendly. That should have been an obvious answer.

Those boys weren't very nice, were they?

You're about to text back a 'no, they weren't', when four familiar faces light up your TV screen and your eyes are brought to look at them. Your eyebrows knit, and you set your phone aside, tuning in to listen to the TV show. On the screen, Carter, Kai and Alec are displayed, along with Kai's mother, the boy's school pictures blown up so you could see every detail of their faces.

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