Lily Part One

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Hai - Yes

In the morning, Shirō and his thirty lovers were sitting around multiple chabudai (tables with short legs that are used while sitting on the floor) and were all enjoying their breakfast. It was a peaceful time, but for some reason...Shirō could sense that his lovers were planning something. Which isn't totally unexpected as he spent six months with all of them.

"Shirō. Futakuchi-Onna and I want to spend time with you today." Okami Said.

"But I need to..." Shirō Said before Okami interrupted him.

"Shirō already train three to four hours a day. It wouldn't kill you to take some time off." Okami Said.

"Hai." Shirō Said.

"Good. Now hurry up and finish so Okami and I can spend time with you." Futakuchi-Onna said.

"But what about the others?" Shirō asked.

"We're retrieving someone today so we can't join you." Hachishakusama said.

"Retrieving who?" Shiro asked. 

"That's for us to know and you to find out. Now hurry up and finish your food." Teke Teke said.

"Okay." Shiro said as he slowly started to finish his food and went outside to wait for Okami and Futakuchi-Onna to arrive. As the two started to leave...they turned around and winked at the other girls.

"Now that they're gone...Who's ready to get the child?" Hachishakusama said as a couple of the others started to talk among themselves. She slowly felt the urge to facepalm, but decided not to since this was common inside the household. Which begs the question whether or not this house could hold any of their future children once they all were married to Shiro. 

"Ready as we're ever going to be." Teke Teke said as she started to head up front along with Jorogumbo and Okiku. They couldn't wait to get the child away from her family especially since they didn't want to leave her in such a horrible environment. 

"Then let's retrieve that girl." Hachishakusama said as she transported the three along with herself to the Loud House. At the same time...the Loud sisters were all downstairs with dejected and remorseful expressions on their faces. After the last meeting, each of them were thinking about their current treatment of their brother. Treatment that was less than ideal if the girls were going to be honest. 

"I never realized that we never treated Lincoln like part of our family." Leni said.

"We did treat him right...most of the time." Lori said.

"Yeah...most of the time. While the other times we treat him poorly." Luan said.

"Stop rubbing it in. We messed up...but it's not too late to fix it." Lori said.

"If we can find him that is." Lucy said causing some of her sisters to glare at her. The last thing they wanted to hear was that they drove their brother away from the house. They already suffered as it is...and they didn't want to be reminded of their mistake. 

"Lucy." Luna started to say before the lights started to flicker on and off at a rapid rate. The girls all looked at it with raised eyebrows while Hachishakusama started to smirk at her three companions and said:

Time to retrieve the girl.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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