Chapter 3

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Adrien detoured slightly on his way to the bakery, stopping to watch the people in the park. In the distance he saw Alix skating next to a running Kim. "Come on, my grandma can run faster than you." She yelled out at him. Kim knuckled down as he continued running towards where his girlfriend Ondine was standing with Max who had Markov keeping time.

"You did it Kim, you broke your PB!" Ondine yelled, running over to him and throwing her arms around Kim and Alix, the three of them jumping around, Max joining in as Markov buzzed overhead.

Not far from them, Ivan and Mylene were eating a picnic hamper on a rug with Juleka and Rose, enjoying the afternoon sun and chatting animatedly. Closer to the river, Nathaniel had an easel set up and his paints, Marc sitting beside him writing in his notebook. Adrien knew Alya and Nino were having a date night at the movies and even Chloé and Sabrina were going to the theatre. It was Friday night after all, and people were enjoying the warmer weather and longer days before the final run of exams hit. Spring was the season of love after all, as Rose had pointed out the other day in class. He laughed to himself as he headed back towards the bakery. It was the first time in a while he had been out after school without it being something his father had scheduled for him. It made him happy that he would be getting to spend it with Marinette, even if it was to help her with Chemistry revision. He wondered if perhaps he should have brought Marinette a flower, but then he remembered this wasn't a date, despite what Kagami might have thought, just a friend helping out another. So why was he feeling...he didn't know what he was feeling.

Adrien pushed open the door of the bakery, the little bell overhead announcing his arrival. It was nearing closing time and Marinette's parents had begun their clean up of the shopfront.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng, how are you?" Adrien asked, feeling much better just being there. It was an odd sensation that ran over him at that moment, almost like he had arrived home. He felt instantly relaxed and happier. He supposed because the Dupain-Cheng house felt more like a home than his own was.

"Hello dear, how was fencing? Marinette said you had practice this afternoon." Sabine pulled out a tray, placing a few baked items on it as she spoke. Adrien faulted for a moment. He wasn't used to being asked much about his day except sometimes from Nathalie. His father never really cared to ask.

"It was good." He replied. "Kagami and I have a tournament coming up soon, so it was great to get some more practice in." Tom came over and threw an arm over his shoulder.

"You know I really admire fencers." He said, taking Adrien by surprise.

"Really?" Adrien queried, turning his head towards the baker. Tom gave him a solemn nod.

"Yep, they always get to the point." A broad smile broke across Tom's face as Adrien cracked up with laughter. "You walked right into that one son." Tom teased patting him on the back before walking off towards the counter.

"Tom, leave the poor boy alone, I'm sure he's tired from his busy day." Sabine smiled, handing Adrien the tray. "Here's a few snacks for you and Marinette. She's in her room waiting for you. I'll call when dinner is ready." Adrien thanked her and Tom before turning to head up the stairs.

"Adrien." Sabine called him back. Adrien stopped on the stairs and the older woman placed a hand on his arm with a kind, motherly expression on her face. "I know you're supposed to be studying, but I'm sure you've had just as busy a week as Marientte has. Don't forget to relax and have some fun too." The young model smiled and nodded before walking up the stairs.

"He's such a nice boy." Sabine commented to her husband as she walked towards the kitchen. Tom nodded his head and hummed in agreement.

"He's certainly grown into a fine young man." He added, following his wife before picking her up from behind and planting a kiss on her cheek. "I'm sure he will soon realise what I did." Sabine turned her head slightly with a knowing grin.

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