Chapter 29

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Luka pulled up out the front of the bakery on his motorbike, shutting off the engine and taking off his helmet. He ran his fingers through his blue tipped hair, letting the cool breeze blow over his overheated skin. He had meant to get here earlier, but it had been hard to tear himself away. He had never felt so scared in his life. Kagami had become his whole world, his musical muse, his reason to get up in the morning. Her quiet strength kept him grounded and the love he had for her swelled beyond words when he found out he was going to be a father. They had already fought so hard to be together. He took a deep shaking breath and promised himself he won't cry in front of Adrien. Luka knew better than anyone what Adrien was going through right now and he knew he would be trying to be strong for the team, but he also knew Adrien could be fragile. Kagami had told him as much.

Luka was pulled from his thoughts as a limousine stopped in front of the bakery. Getting off his bike, Luka saw Chloé step out of the vehicle. She was impeccable as always, just as you would expect of an heiress, but Luka could see the tiredness in her eyes when they locked on his. He walked over to her and she let out a defeated sigh. They both knew why the other was there.

"Kagami?" Chloé asked. Luka nodded his head. Chloé wrapped her arms around herself from the cold air. "Yeah, we have about a dozen women out cold in the hotel too. Felix is helping Daddykins to make sure they are comfortable and look after the distraught partners." Luka could see she was clearly being more affected by this then she was letting on. He put an arm around Chloé's shoulders.

"I never did get to thank you properly for all you did for Kagami and I." He said with fondness and gratitude. Chloé just waved her hand dismissively.

"No need. Adrien asked me to help, so I did." She said. Luka shook his head.

"You don't need to use that hard exterior with me. You're a good person, Chloé. I can sense that about you." Luka said. Chloé shrugged.

"Yeah, well...I think I'll always have a soft spot when it comes to Adrien. I doubt I could ever say no to him." She said with a small smile.

"You care a lot about him don't you?" Chloé looked at Luka and nodded with a softness few would see from her.

"He's my oldest friend. about Felix, I might even love him, but I'll always be here for Adrien."

The two knocked on the door and were greeted by Sabine. She hugged them both and Luka could see the red in her eyes from unshed tears. Pollen darted out of Chloé's jacket and joined Wayzz and Trixx on the kitchen table. Plagg was curled up on Adrien's shoulder where he sat next to Alya and Nino. He was rolling around an empty tea cup in his hand, looking out to the other room. At the sound of footsteps he turned his head and accepted a heartfelt hug from Chloé before shaking hands with Luka.

"So what's the plan?" Chloé asked, her voice and expression serious. Alya and Nino shared a look before looking at Adrien. He had his head turned again towards the other room.

"We...don't quite have one yet." Alya admitted, taking Nino's hand in hers. "We've been bouncing around some ideas but..."

"I'm sorry." Adrien suddenly said, all eyes turning to him.

"What are you talking about Adrien?" Chloé exclaimed, astounded. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"It's Lila's obsession with me that caused all this. I should have found a way to stop it sooner. I should have been firmer..." his voice trailed off as he became lost in his thoughts again. Nino watched him with worry, but unsure what to say.

"You better give us a rundown on everything you know." Luka suggested. Alya briefly told Luka and Chloé everything they knew about Lila and the bangle. Chloé was vocally quite shocked, voicing her contempt for the Italian. Luka on the other hand was very quiet, observing the information and carefully watching Adrien.

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