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A few months later after the school year ends and the next school year starts

Alarm goes off

Brice: yawn "What day is it?" checks phone "Omg, it's time to pack my stuff for the dorm room!"

Brice jumps out of bed and runs down the stairs

Mom: "Good morning sweetie!"

Brice: "Hi mom, good morning! I'm kinda in a rush right now, today is the day we get to put in our stuff into our dorm room." goes in the bathroom and takes a shower

Mom: "Why are you so excited to place your stuff?"

Brice: "It's because I get to meet my new roommate and get to go around the school campus! I forgot to pack my other belongings yesterday though.."

Mom: "Don't worry, your dad and I packed your essentials."

Brice: while brushing his teeth "Really?! Thank you guys!"

Mom: "Your welcome. Here's some money. Your dad saved it for you so you better spend it wisely."

Brice: gets out of the and grabs the money from mom "Okay, I will."

A few minutes later of packing

Mom: "You got everything you need?"

Brice: "Yes Mom, I just need to get my laptop and bag and I'm all set!"

Brice rushes up the stairs and grabs his laptop and bag and sees his donut ring on his bedside table

Brice: "Oops, of course I won't forget about you!" puts on ring

Brice comes back down the stairs and puts the last boxes in the car

Brice: "I think I'm ready to go, mom."

Mom: "Really? Did you bring your laptop charger on your desk?"

Brice: "Oh yeah, I forgot."

Brice goes up the stairs and grabs his laptop charger

Brice: "Okay, I think that's al-"

Mom: "How about your glasses? I don't want you staring all night at your computer screen without them!"

Brice: "Okay.."

Brice runs up and grabs his glasses

Brice: "Anything else?"

Mom: "Hm, how about your earphones?"

Brice: "I don't think I'm gonna need the-"

Mom: "You never know! What if you're going to edit a video for your class? You don't want to annoy your roommate, do you?"

Brice: sigh "No.."

Brice runs up to grab his earphones

Brice: "Okay, I have grabbed everything I need."

Mom: "Hm yeah, I think you did. Bye! stay safe out there and make friends!"

Brice: "Okay, love you!" kisses mom

Mom: "Love you too!"

Brice leaves the house and enters the car

Brice: "Hi dad."

Dad: "Hi. Have you grabbed everything you need?"

Brice: "Yes, mo made sure I did."

Dad: "Oh okay."

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