6: Found her

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"No way! Get out now!!" Tanya flushed red while shoving y/n away.

Y/n cackled quietly in amusement.

Weakness found.

"Why not?? Not gonna give me one little kiss, oldy?" She cooed over while leaning forward.

Tanya clicked her tongue, growling as she shoved y/n back by the face.

"Are you seriously trying to get us caught!?" She whispered.

Y/n wheezed softly before she giggled and sat down patting her lap.

"I'm joking, oldy." She sighed out after sitting down beside Tanya.

Tanya hummed.

"You really should go now though." She said.

"Why not? I have all day, y'now?" Y/n said, laying down with hands behind her head as she slowly closed her eyes to rest.

"Yeah and I don't." Tanya clarified, standing up, she made her way over to the sink to fix herself.

Y/n huffed, laying there in the bed, she listened to the sink getting twisted on, she listened to the brushing of teeth, and she listened to the sound of the closet being opened.

"Changing clothes while I'm in here?" She wondered with a smirk as she kept her eyes closed.

Tanya chuckled.

"I see no problem not to." She said.

"You don't see the problem with me?? Wow, it affects you more than me, honestly, I'm feeling quite embarrassed imagining you strip your clothes." Y/n hummed.

"Then don't, idiot." Tanya blurted out.

Y/n chuckled before saying, "whatever works for you, oldy, you're not an old man anymore anyway."

"Right..." Tanya sighed.

"Hey, don't be like that, I'm trying to be nice here y'now!" Y/n huffed.

"You're doing a horrible job if I were you." Tanya snickered after wearing underclothes and a white armless shirt.

"Pff--you just make it sound like I'm being rude!" Y/n scoffed.

Tanya hummed in agreement over the argument as she pulled her pants up and fixed on the zipper and belt around it.

"Anything else, brat?" She asked.

Y/n sighed before saying, "you're too serious, chill out for a second, you old dude."

"Generations these days..." Tanya sighed while fixing her top uniform on.

Fixing her sleeves up, she carelessly tied her hair and sat down on her chair to wear her socks and boots.

"You suck, oldy." Y/n commented.

"Uhuhh... Do continue." Tanya ignored her words and sat crossing her arms while staring at y/n on her bed.

Y/n snickered, chuckling as she opened an eye and glanced over towards Tanya.

"Oh wow, you look so damn mature I'm impressed about you..." She said, sarcasm in her voice as she sat facing Tanya with her chin resting in one hand.

"Does it look like I'm trying to act mature to you?" Tanya wondered.

Y/n exasperated a fake yet quiet gasp.

"Are you?" She snickered.

Tanya chuckled before saying, "depends on what you're trying to imply, Major y/n."

"You do know you can just call me y/n, right? Geez, putting titles on my name makes it sound like I'm some genius for a kid." Y/n said, she seemed a little disappointed if you wanted to imagine.

Tanya smirked.

"You do know people will question what language we are using when we talk in private." She said.

Y/n stuck her tongue out.

"So?" She huffed before continuing with, "I taught first luitenant Leithan how to understand Japanese, he can translate stuff for me."

Tanya perked up.

"You taught someone how to speak Japanese??" She said.

Y/n shook her head before saying, "I said I taught him how to 'understand' it, not 'speak' it."

"Ah, I see." Tanya calmed down after understanding it.

"He can understand what you say, but he can't speak it? How exactly??" She questioned.

I mean... If someone knew how to understand a language they might be able to somehow speak it a bit, right?

"Yep, he can translate stuff for me, but he has no idea how to speak in this language." Y/n said.

"I should teach second luitenant Milena how to understand it..." She pondered.

Tanya perked up.

"You're gonna teach other people of this language, are you insane, y/n??" She asked.

"Bruh, chill! I won't teach other people, just the people I know is who I'll teach!" Y/n scoffed.

"That's insane, y/n." Tanya insisted before standing up.

Y/n huffed before hopping off of the bed, immediately clinging on Tanya who blushed slightly.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Tanya said.

"Being an annoying piece a crap if you couldn't tell." Y/n scoffed.

Tanya gritted her teeth, her arms trapped over the hold y/n had around her.

"You are irritating." She commented.

Y/n smirked while saying, "y'now, I should hug you more often, oldy."

"Don't nickname me oldy, y/n. I haven't nicknamed you anything at all." Tanya said.

"Not yet that is." Y/n said, resting her chin on Tanya's shoulder with a smile.

"Please, I have work." Tanya sighed.

"Aww, leaving so soon??" Y/n cooed over before blowing on Tanya's ear.

The sudden cold gush of air immediately making Tanya flinch and freeze on her ground. Blushing slightly as she gritted her teeth while averting y/n's look.

"Why don't you come with me and hang out in my office if you're not busy?" She suggested, the hesitation was in her voice when she said it.

Y/n perked up smiling giddily.

"For real??" She questioned.

Tanya nodded.

"I get to hang out in your office when I don't have work and whenever I'm done with work??" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, yeah, so can you let go now??" Tanya huffed before a knock made both pause and stare at the closed door.

"I'll get it." Y/n suggested even though it was Tanya's room.

Opening the door, she charmed a smile at Leithan.

"Found her." He said.

Y/n raised a brow.

"Found me for what??" She wondered with Tanya opening the door more.

"Excuse me, luitenant." Tanya said while walking pass y/n and Leithan.

"What the..?" Leithan blinked a few times in confusion.

Tanya x Female!Reader (youjo senki/ the saga of Tanya the evil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now