44: Worries

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"Ok... I'm sorry." Y/n said as she held herself down on both knees with Tanya having afoot to her head.

Y/n could swear her forehead was already bleeding from the rough ground after she went to her knees to apologize.

Tanya kept a good weight on her foot to keep y/n's head on the ground.

She was very angry.

Crossing her arms, she said, "that doesn't sound sincere."

Y/n frowned.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight at that time." She said.

Soldiers were watching the two, but they made sure to walk off immediately to keep themselves from getting called out by the two.

Tanya scowled at her.

"What you did was unacceptable, y/n." She said.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Y/n said before continuing with, "I should've asked first before everything."

"And?" Tanya said.

Y/n kept quiet as she soon felt a sudden sting in her forehead.

"And..!?" Tanya demanded.

"And I should control myself better... And not just do shit without your permission and stuff." Y/n answered.

Tanya sighed before taking her foot off of y/n's head, allowing her to finally sit up to her knees.

"I'm sorry, ok..? I just couldn't help it, that's all." Y/n said.

"And you should've known better that I would hate it..!" Tanya said with crossed arms as she averted eye contact.

Y/n frowned and continued to stay on her knees.

'Damn... She's really mad about that.' She thought before standing up and taking a step forward in front of Tanya.

She immediately hugged her without hesitation.

"Please don't be mad at me..." She whined quietly under the hug.

Tanya hummed while ignoring her before sooner giving in to her plead.

"Fine, I'll let this one slide, you brat..." She said.


"What..? Major Tanya and Major y/n fought?" Lerhgen said.

Zettour nodded.

"It was said a few soldiers saw it, some being early enough to see major y/n get to her knees with major Tanya immediately kicking her head down with foot to the ground." He said while scanning through the newspapers in both hands.

Lerhgen was a little taken aback in surprise. It was a surprise for him. He thought those two were getting along just fine but he was very wrong to think about that.

"But it's said the two had given each other a good outcome with major Tanya accepting major y/n's apology." Zettour said.

Lerhgen hummed.

"I see..." He said.


"You surprise me every now and then, y/n." Tanya commented when she was dragged out to have lunch with her in a restaurant.

It wasn't all too fancy, but it was a good place with good food, not the type where the meat would be way too salty to even want to be digested.

"To say sorry." Y/n said.

"You've already apologized to me." Tanya said.

"That was too small! I want to apologize big, even if it means having to take you out every now and then." Y/n insisted while resting her chin in both clasped hands.

Tanya sighed.

"Alright, fine... I'll accept this." She said, making y/n smile wide for her.


"It's for the greater good, Leithan." Marcus said while watching Leithan from afar who was trying to keep the pain down.

It hurt a lot y'now.

"Yeah, yeah, it's for the greater good I know, I'm more surprised you found a twin lookalike of me and sealed his mouth shut with his own family at hostage when I was discovered." Leithan sighed in irritation, he just lost one hand a week or two ago.

"Y'now the general will be angry at us if we were both caught, Leithan." Marcus scoffed.

"Calm down, I have the perfect plan right now, but did you get the truth drug I asked you for?" Leithan said while crossing his legs in his seat.

Marcus nodded as he handed two syringes filled with red liquid inside it.

"Careful though, they're the only ones I got, the others were somehow taken away and used from somewhere else without permission." He said.

Leithan smiled as he examined it up close in one hand. Of course only on one hand.

"Did you plan the kidnap?" He asked.

"Seriously, what is up with you and kidnaps?? Why can't we just kill them?" Marcus wondered.

"They have vital information about almost everything, even including history for apparent reasons." Leithan answered as he placed the bag of drugs down on the table.

"Let me guess, I'm the one who's going to be kidnapping them?" Marcus asked.

Leithan nodded.

"I better get paid big time as a spy alongside you, Leithan." Marcus said before standing up to prepare himself for the night.


"Everywhere is a mess." Tanya said while feeling around the spots y/n bit on.

Y/n smiled.

"Don't act proud of this, y/n." Tanya said.

"Ok, ok, I won't be proud." Y/n meekly chuckled as she waved her hands' mid-air in mercy.

"It's pretty late, we need to sleep." Tanya said while walking over to her bed.

"It's not fair that you're grounding me like this though." Y/n commented while pulling the cover over herself in her bed.

"You deserve that for a month." Tanya said.

Y/n frowned as she laid with a sigh.

"Fine, I don't have a choice anyway. Plus I'm pretty full so I'll be sleeping hard." She said.

Tanya chuckled.

"Not afraid I'd do the same to what you did to me?" She wondered.

Y/n smiled.

"Nope, feel free to do even!" She laughed.

"That's no fun now, y/n." Tanya said before continuing with, "go to sleep now."

"Aww... Sleep now?" Y/n cooed.

"Didn't you tell me you're going to be sleeping hard? Aren't you tired by now?" Tanya asked.

Y/n shrugged as she said, "I'm starting to get a little tired if that's what you're asking about..."

Tanya x Female!Reader (youjo senki/ the saga of Tanya the evil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now