All Hail, Queen of Clumsiness,Me

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I had been waiting at Marylands for about twenty minutes now.

Brandon was a no show.

So I started writing myself, after ordering a cup of coffee( I might have a problem), since I was fed up of waiting.

Music waits for no one my friends.

I typed out a verse that made a relative amount of sense. Then I started editing it, adding words that rhymed, rearranging lines and all that jazz.

I was about to go all adios muchachos and just finish writing the song at my place, when he decided to show up.

Excellent timing.

"Hey,  sorry I'm late", Brandon panted as he appeared in front of me.

He was wearing a white T shirt , jeans and a black jacket over it.

He smiled at me widely, practically beaming. I felt my heart skip a beat.

Nope, not a chance.

" Oh it's ok, I've only been waiting since forever "

"If you have the ability to be sassy, you have the ability to write this song without me", he stated.

I turned my laptop to him. " Already started", I said with a smirk.

He decided to shut up.
Wise choice.

"I see you put effort in your appearance", I said with a smirk, reminding him of yesterday.

"I looked fabulous and you know it"
Narcissistic much?

I rolled my eyes.

We ordered out food and began working.

"So what have you started working on? "
"Want me to sing the lyrics for you? "

I took a deep breath. Sounding scrathcy and out of breath when you're singing was not the best idea, especially in front of your producer.

"It's hard to breathe
When you can't see
What you're going into

I can't deny
The feelings high
But the question is do you want to? "

"It sounds good, but try singing it a little peppier. So we can add keyboard", he suggested and I nodded vaguely.

" Sounds good"

I pored my self some waters, because drinking coffee directly after singing was not a good idea.

"By the way, what is the general theme of the song? "

"Well I was thinking it could be about two people , but it's from only one of their perspective, and they're scared to begin a relationship"

"Seems interesting", he agreed and leaned back into his chair. I decided that this was an invitation to elaborate.

" So I'm this case, the girl is ready and she wants it to happen, but the guy isn't ready, like he doesn't give her even a clue ", I explained and took a sip of my coffee. You know, balancing out the aqua with the caffeine.

The waiter arrived with our food. I had ordered hash browns, which was a must have at Marylands.

" Maybe the guy is scared", Brandon said, a little defensively.

I raised one of my eyebrows at him.
"Sorry, yeah it sounds good so far", he mumbled, looking at his phone.

I frowned slightly. What was up with him?

"Okay then Mr. Producer, let's write."


Brandon had gone to get us cokes since we were at the park. I was furiously typing out assorted lyrics and words that would go with the song.

"Here", he handed me my coke,which I opened and took a sip, and continued writing.

We stayed in silence for a few minutes, the only sound being the clicking of the keys.
" So-", he said all of a sudden, startling me,making me spill my coke all over myself.

He burst into laughter.

I blushed furiously out of embarrassment. "This isn't funny", I gritted, as I inspected the damage done.

My outfit was ruined, since my top was white .
I asked my self why I was so klutzy.

Stupid Coke.

" It so is "

I weakly glared at him, and then glared at the sky, asking life why it had to target me, of all the people that were in this park.

"You're red! ", he snickered and my hands flew to my face, covering up my flaming cheeks.

Smooth Fira, real smooth.

" I'm not", I protested hotly, even though I knew very well I was blushing.

"Your turning even redder! ", he laughed and I wanted to disappear of the face of the earth.

" It makes an interesting fashion statement"

"Shut up", I screeched, my voice an octave higher than usual.

That did not help stop his incessant laughter.

At this point , people were staring at us, since we were at a public place. I buried my head in my hands, hiding my face from the world.

After Brandon's laughter died down, I hesitantly looked up to see him, his face was flushed with due to his laughter and his hair was messed up . His eyes, which were staring directly at me,were alight with amusement.

I felt myself going red again, so I pulled my knees closer time myself, so I could bury my face there.

"You can have my jacket to cover up the stain", he said, once he recovered from his spell of laughter and handed me his jacket. I blinked before slowly taking it from him, putting it on.

" Thanks", I said softly.

It was oversized for me, with the sleeves coming up to my knuckles, but it did a good job if covering up the mess I made.

"No problem, but don't spill anything on it", he snickered.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes, but not saying anything and picked my laptop up.

" Let's just finish writing", I mumbled under my breath.

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