I'm Confused

21 4 0

I pulled myself out of Dylan's grasp and took off in another direction, away from both of them. I pushed through crowds of celebrities, before coming to a less crowded area. My heart pounded in my chest as I reached for something to steady myself.

My head was spinning from the alcohol, and the adrenaline.

"Hey, are you ok?", a familiar voice called out. I looked up.

"Darling, you look like death, let's sit down", Lara said, steadying me by holding my arm.

"Im flattered", I muttered under my breath.

"What happened", she demanded.

"I don't think that drink was the best for me", I chuckled darkly, shutting my eyes to stop the world from spinning.

"That was barely anything, you're lightweight", she exclaimed , seating me on the sofa. I buried my head in my hands.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I don't know why I still care", I muttered before looking at Lara.

"Dylan kissed me"

She raised her eyebrow at me. "Isn't that a good thing?"

I groaned. "I- It felt wrong. I like him as a friend"

She winced at my statement. "Ouch, honey you're going to have to word that better when you tell him"

I sighed. "Could you please get me some water? The world is tilted."

She immediately nodded, standing up and making her way to the bar, leaving me alone once again.

"I meet you again", Tabifers voice calls out as I lift my head from my hands.

I gave him a faint smile. "Hey you"

"You good? You look like you're regretting your life decisions or something"

I laughed without humour. "Something like that"

He sat down next to me.

"Penny for your thoughts? "
I shut my eyes for a second debating my possible decisions. I could keep it in, or I could tell everything to my celebrity crush, which will undoubtedly judge me.

I went with the second option.

"My friend kissed me, but I've never thought of him that way, and Brandon saw it-"

"Who's Brandon? "

I sucked in a breath. "My producer", I tried to play it off nonchalantly.

"What does he have to do with anything"

"I... It's complicated"

He smirked slightly. "You like this Brandon guy, don't you"

I shook my head furiously, "No, nada, zilch, please don't even go there"

"And why not"
"Messy area"

"Here you go- hello Tabifer", Lara greeted, surprised.

He smiled at Lara, standing so she could sit.

What a gentleman.

" Well I have to go", he said glancing at his wristwatch, "but I'll see you at your concert", he quipped before winking at me and leaving.

My jaw dropped.

" Did he just-"
"Say that he's coming to your concert? Yes"
I might've squealed.

I took tentative sips of the water, my eyelids drooping.
"Hey, lets get away from here", she suggested, dragging me up from my seat. " The balcony is less crowded, you'll be able to breathe "

True to her word, there was literally no one in the balcony. I leaned against the grill, trying to think.

He kissed me.
Dylan kissed me

I didn't want to hurt his feelings, I loved him, but as a friend. The kiss felt so wrong, it felt like I was committing step-cest.

I shuddered.

"I don't care", I told myself. " I don't care who saw"

The floor seemed to sway under my feet as I clutched the railing.

"Fira?", a voice called and I turned around to face Brandon.

He furrowed his eyebrows. " Are you okay? ", he asked , his voice laced with concern.

I turned away from him. I didn't want to talk to him, to anybody.

I don't like him

" Fine", I croaked out.

He hesitated, before walking up next to me.

"You look uncomfortable"

I laughed dryly, biting my lower lip. "I'm fine"

"I can see youre-"

"I said I'm fine", I stated, my voice harsh and choppy. " I'm leaving "

"I'll drive you"
"You don't need to-"
"I'm driving"

"Why do you care? ", I asked, bewildered.

He literally saw me kiss someone else.

I suddenly felt extremely foolish for thinking that. Why would he care? He has nothing to do with it.

His gaze softened. " Come on "

He took my hand gently and guided me out of the party and to the car. I refused to meet his eyes as he opened the door for me. I slid inside and looked straight ahead , with a blank face.

On reaching the hotel I walked inside silently, with Brandon at my heels. I unlocked my door and walked in.


I turned around to face him.

"Its okay not be okay"

I ignored that and close my door.

I shouldn't even be thinking about this. I should be working on my music and paying attention to that.

I changed into a more comfortable set of clothes and settled down to hopefully get some sleep.

I don't like him.

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