Our Flight Takes Off at an Ungodly Hour.

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I groaned as I leaned on Dylan's shoulder, trying to take a nap.

He was wearing jeans and a regular T-shirt. He was also wearing a beanie, covering his silvery blond hair.

I was wearing black skinny jeans, a regular white T-shirt and a checkered oversized flannel.

First of all, I hardly got any sleep because of what had happened. Plus I packed the wrong outfits in my breakdown frenzy, so I had to repack .

The flight was about time take of in an hour.

Second, it was four O'clock in the God damn morning. I was starting to think everyone thought I was nocturnal.

"Hey, look your team is here", Dylan said, shaking me slightly. I looked up to see Morris Hale, Brandon, and a few other people walking towards us.

" Fun", I muttered.

Brandon frowned slightly on seeing Dylan and looked away.

Morris just parked himself next to us.

You're probably wondering why Morris was here.

Well, Lyrical Records ™ does this thing for every artist, where they send a director along to record special parts of each show. Then at the end of the tour, we compile it into a video , to create a new music video.

It's pretty cool to see your entire journey in one video.

Apparently, this year they managed to snag Morris for me. I suppose I was lucky to have suck a great director.

But let's be honest, Morris was a bit if a grump.

"Heya the two of you", the director greeted. " Still flirting I see"

I flushed. "Morris , not you too"
"Hush, sit still while I take a picture and upload it in Instagram with the DylanxFira hashtag"

I sighed. "I'm going to get coffee", I announced. "Want anything? ", I asked and glanced and Dylan.

"Anythings fine with me", he said and yawned.

I shook my head at him and walked to one of those cafes in the airports.

"May I have regular and a Caramel Frappuccino please? ", I asked the barista who honestly looked dead inside.

" Do you want cream? ", she asked, her voice so bland, I was afraid she was undead.

"No thank you"

She handed me the two coffees and went back to staring intently at her phone.

I took it from her hands(which were really cold in contrast to the warmth if the cup. I was beginning to think this lady was cold blooded.

I turned around only to face He Who Must Not Be Named.

Not Voldemort, but considering the situation, equally bad.


There were like three other cafe's and he had to choose this one ,didn't he?

" Oh um", I started, breaking the awkward silence. My heart rate picked up and I felt like I had trouble breathing.

He gave me a pointed look and then sighed. "Please move out of my way so I can get my coffee, Miss Thompson"

My eyes widened. Miss Thompson? What was he playing at? Proffessionally cold?

"Uh-yes, of course", I cursed myself for stuttering, and moved away.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. You wouldn't have even noticed, but I did.

He forged ahead, to get his coffee, as I trugded back to my seat, where Dylan was busy flipping his phone.

My bottom lip quivered. I bit it and handed him his coffee.

" You're going to break your phone you know", I said, trying to dispell the gloomy mood that had taken over.

"You have no clue how many fans say that"

"It's because it's true", I snigger and take a sip of my coffee. He stuck his tongue out at me and then took a sip of his.

" Flight A103 to New York, boarding now" , the automated woman's voice called out.

I picked up my suitcase and dragged it along with me.

"Why did the flight have to be at five in the morning", I grumbled.

"I don't know, ask your manger"

I huffed like child and gave my boarding pass to the guy standing at the desk.

"Please proceed to the aircraft", he said like an automated voice. I was beginning to wonder if everyone who worked the might shift here was a robot.

"So are you ever going to tell me why you decided to drag me along? ", he asked his blue eyes looking up from his phone and staring me down.

For the fun loving guy he was, he sure could be intense. I almost shuddered.

" I needed a friend", I said simply before glancing over at Brandon, who immediately shifted his gaze. His face was blank, with no emotion.

We walked into the plane.

"Because I think I just lost one"

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