Chpt. 7 The Eventful Line

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Bethany's POV
Since yesterday was Friday, it's now Saturday, and I'm off from school. Hallelujah. I slowly opened my eyes without moving, to see Marie lying down, right in front of me in her bed, and Jen cuddled up in the middle of us with her legs sprawled across our waists. I would usually push her leg off me and yell at her for not being able to stay still in her sleep, but this time I didn't even care.

I pulled Jen closer to me and cuddled with her, as she took her hand and smacked me across my face. Oh yeah, she sleep smacks. There's the love. Marie slowly fluttered her piercing gray eyes open as well. But she wasn't as sentimental as I was being.
"Ugh Jenna get offffff!" And she flung Jen's leg over to my side.
"Ugh you're so mean Marie, can't you ever be nice to me?!" Jen's little voice squeaked out.
"Yeah, no. Not at 9 in the morning, bud. " And with that she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. My sisters are hilarious. I got out of Marie's bed and put my hair up into a high ponytail, to get it's messiness out of my face. I gave Jen my hand and she slowly got out of her bed too. We both went downstairs and I made ourselves some scrambled eggs and toast. We both sat down at the counter of our kitchen to eat breakfast.
"You feeling a little better hon?"
"Yeah, I guess. Don't worry about me too much though, I'm okay, I promise. " Just hearing her small voice, completely distracts me from the fact of how wise she is. I wrapped her in a big hug. Soon enough we were both sitting in our living room couch watching Modern Family. Haha I love Mitchell and Cam, they're hilarious. 5 minutes after we sat down, Mar slowly walked to us, still half-asleep, her brown, ombréd hair all over the place.
"Are you guys watching Modern Family?" Her eyes were still half closed.
"Um yeah, can you not see the TV?" I motioned towards the TV like some cheesy, commercial, show girl.
"Um no not really. Move. "
She pushed me over on the couch so she could sit down. Once I sat myself up again on the couch, I pushed Marie over. We are such 5-year olds. But since she was too tired, she didn't even bother to get up, and stayed lying on her side watching TV.
What a weird sister I have.
"Anywho, Jen, what do you wanna do today? Your pick. " Oh I really hope she doesn't pick the arcade. Please not the arcade, please not the arcade-
"Bowls O' Fun!"
Yay it's not an arcade!
"What is that sweetie?"
"The new arcade that opened up! Today's the grand opening! Can we please go Beth! Pleaseeee! Mar?"

Shoot me now.

I shot Mar a look that only she understood. Marie looked between my glare and Jen's hopeful eyes, and finally gave in.
"Ah okay Jen, anything for my little sister. "
I glared at Mar some more and she just smirked at me. That brat.
"Jen are you sure you want to go to an arcade? I don't know, wouldn't you rather jump off a cliff into the Amazon river or something?" I said sarcastically.
"NO! Come on pleaseeee Beth! Come on! Don't you want me to feel better???" She gave me her puppy dog eyes. That manipulative little girl.
"Fine whatever, but you owe me Jenna. Are we inviting mom and dad to come with us or not?"
"Hmm, no. Let's just have a sisters bonding day!"
"Oh joy. " Mar and I said in unison.
"Jen I hope you know I'm only doing this because I maybe, sort of, love you, a little bit, and if I didn't, you would be abandoned, on the streets right now. With NO ONE to take you to the arcade. "
"Mm hmm! I know!" And she gave me a big smile. Ugh she's so cute. It disgusts me.
"Come here you little rascal!"
I pulled Jen on top of Marie and I, and we started tickling her like crazy, as she began laughing hysterically.
"Okay well girls, we have to be at the grand opening at 10:45 a.m. And it's 10:20 right now. So chop chop, go get ready!" Jen said while regaining her breath after that tickle-fit, and getting off the couch.
"What?! We have to be there in 25 minutes?!" Marie exclaimed.
"Duh! I thought you knew that already! So, get up and go get ready! Geez you guys are slow. " And with that, Jen ran up to her room to get dressed. One moment she's a sweet, innocent, little girl and another moment, she's a big know-it-all! I swear she has two personalities. Like Gollum.
"Okay well Marie, you heard the woman! Let's go get ready! "
She let out a loud laugh. We both went up to our rooms to get ready in 25 minutes. Ugh Jen.

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