9:Friendship in the Freezer Section

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Not that long but it's important!

I struggled to set the large box onto the marble counter. I had been moving my things in all morning and I was exhausted. My muscles ached and I just wanted to collapse. I'm not sure how we only had clothes and the few things that we'd bought for the new place yet my legs felt like jelly. I was positive it was the six flights I had to go through that made my lungs feel like fire. I'd chosen to move all my things without Brandon and Luke.

I was afraid Luke might have had a mental breakdown if I'd asked him to help me leave. I couldn't handle the sad stares and constant questions of why I was leaving. He still didn't get it.

Brandon on the other hand wasn't even there when I woke up. He'd been avoiding me and he wanted to make it clear. Every night for the last week he'd come in around one am and only speak to tell me I could sleep in the bed. Ever since I found out about Julie I just couldn't sleep in the bed with him the same way. It felt wrong. I'd be surprised if he realized that I'd left.

Avery came through the front door and with the last box and smiled as she looked around the room. Her hair was in its naturally curly state in a high bun and she wore an open green and blue plaid shirt with a white tank top underneath and jeans with green converse. Although it was simple she still looked gorgeous. This was a great apartment building in a decent neighborhood. I'd really lucked out with finding Avery. 

She'd been telling the truth when she said the place was furnished. We had a three piece black suede couch set complete with end tables, and a TV they had already set up with cable; our bedrooms were complete with headboards and a full sized bed with a matching dresser and nightstand. I'd told her about one hundred times that I couldn't just let her parents pay for my things too but she'd insisted that it was fine. I hadn't met them yet but I could tell them were extremely thoughtful and I was extremely thankful for their kindness. This was the best place I'd ever been able to call home in my nineteen years.

Brandon and Luke's place was clearly never really mine.

Avery and I had become really close over the last week. We had lots in common. We both loved chicken with pepperoni pizza, mint ice cream, watched the same shows, hated mornings, and we wore most of the same sizes in clothes.

"Finally done," I breathed out. I was still panting a bit but not as much as before. We went over to the living room and sunk into the couch.

"Hey why didn't your friends help u move? The way you talked about them I thought they be here," she said while flipping through the channels on TV. 

"We are in a little argument right now. We aren’t really talking, they’re alittle mad at me for moving," I said.

“Guys never get us,” she said shaking her head slightly. “So what do you want for dinner?" she asked, changing the subject quickly.

"Hmm," I said in deep thought, "sandwiches?" I asked. We hadn't had a chance to go shopping but I'm sure we could borrow bread and lunch meat from our neighbors. Sandwiches were nice and easy.

She screwed up her face and stuck out her tongue in disgust. "I'm not feeling sandwiches. What about baked salmon with mashed potatoes and green beans," she beamed.

I stared at her with a blank expression. "Did you really just think of all of that in this moment?"

"No," she admitted sheepishly. "I've been drooling about it since we started moving in this morning."

"Ave, how do you expect all of that? It's already four and we don't have any groceries."

She threw her head back and then made a whining noise. "But I'm so hungry."

There were a few minutes of silence before I caved. "Fine, I'll go make a quick run to the store." I grabbed my key and wallet before I walked to the door.

"And grab me a Snickers please," she called out before I closed the door. The walk to the grocery store was really short, only about five minutes. Before I knew it I walked into the highly air conditioned building. My skin got chill bumps almost immediately. Why exactly did they need to have the air in on high? It was a breezy day in October and they had it blasting like it was the middle of blazing July. I hugged myself as I grabbed a mini basket and began to maneuver through the aisles. I decided we could use a few other things before we went on a big shopping trip,

Fish, check; eggs, check; tonight's dinner, check; bread, check I mentally went down the grocery list and crosses items off my list. I suddenly remembered frozen pizza and made a beeline for the frozen foods. I stood in the aisle and tried to decide what topping to get.

"This is always the hardest part of shopping," I heard. I turned to my right and saw a girl around the same age and height as me. She had blonde hair with some brown highlights, pretty green eyes and a small stud for a nose ring. She smiled at me as we surveyed the choices.

"Isn't it," I smiled back. "Nice shoes," I said after a few seconds of silence to take some of the awkwardness away. Her shoes were nice though, brown oxfords.

"Thanks," she replied. I opened the freezer door and grabbed a simple cheese thin crust pizza with pepperoni.

"That's my favorite. I'm Casey by the way," she said grabbing the same. 

 "Hi, I'm Lily. And it's one of mine's too." We both walked from the aisle and around the store a bit more. Just like Avery and I, I found we had a few things in common, at least food wise. She asked a few questions about if I worked or went to school and I answered honestly. There was no sense in lying to a stranger I figured. 

"Well, it was nice to meet you," I said once we had checked out. I had already spent an hour here and Avery did say how starving she was. 

"You too, maybe we'll see each other again," she said with a smile before heading off to the parking lot. 


I sat down on the couch and handed Avery her plate of food. I had just finished cooking and she was still glaring at the TV because I forgot her Snickers. We dug in and watched the latest episode of Gossip Girl.

“Forgive me for forgetting your candy yet?” I asked hallway through.

She stuffed her face with another spoonful of mashed potatoes before nodding her head enthusiastically.

“It’s so good,” she said.

We laughed and finished our food before cleaning up. I stared up at my ceiling contemplating. It was midnight and I had work in eight hours, yet I couldn’t sleep.

Was it really that big of a deal that Brandon’s girlfriend would be staying over their apartment? He was a grown man. He could have sleepovers with his girlfriend of two months if he decided that’s what he wanted. I reached under my head and grabbed my phone from under my pillow.

I scrolled through my contacts and stopped at Brandon. I decided to take the chance and call him. It rang and rang and rang before it finally went to voicemail.

“Hey B, I just wanted to tell you that everything went great with the move,” I took a deep breath before continuing. “I know you didn’t really get why I had to leave but I think it’ll be for the best. Avery’s really great. I think you guys will get along really well. I can’t wait for you to meet her and come over and see the place. Anyway, um good night, I guess.” I clicked the red button and ended the call.

Well, the ball’s in his court now.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone :). Please comment, vote, and tell people about this story. It's been getting some buzz so let's keep it going! Well ‘til next time, bye guys :).  

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