11:My Person

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I stared up at the ceiling at the plastic ball that appeared and reappeared before my eyes as I threw it up into the air. It'd been a full thirty minutes and I hadn't spoken a word. Brandon on the other hand wouldn't shut up. He noticed that I wouldn't talk about what was going on with our friendship and so he talked about everything but. His week, his job, how his neighbor's pet's vet visit went...I heard it all.

"And then I thought maybe the guys could stay out of trouble when we left Jim's house but you know how they are, right?" he said. He doubled over holding his stomach, laughing like he'd said the funniest thing in the world.

Five minutes later he still hadn't taken a moment to catch his breath. "So Monday I had a chicken salad sandwich for lunch instead of a turkey sandwich because you know how sometimes the turkey has a weird smell to it so when I was making my lunch it completely turned my stomach. The other guys at the construction site kept asking for a piece but it was gone in like, two minutes. I was starving! Even though the weather's cooled down construction's still such a demanding job, you know?" He continued to blabber although I had yet to answer him.

I couldn't take it anymore. His smooth deep voice was doing anything but its usual soothing effect. I roughly raked my hands through my hair and my eyes involuntarily rolled as his voice droned on and on and on.

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" I yelled. I had finally snapped. I stood from the bed and paced the room. "Look you're my best friend but I don't care that you had to practically fight off your coworkers for your chicken salad sandwich. I know what you're trying to do! You're trying to make me talk about what I don't want to talk about because you want to talk about it," I stood in front of him and stared down as him. "Well I'll tell you something, it's not going to work. I'm not going to talk about why I don't want to talk to you. Okay, do you get that?" I asked.

A devious smile began to appear on his face. He reached up and pinched my cheeks. "You're so cute when you're cranky," he chuckled.

A blush rose to my cheeks, "I am not cute," I said through gritted teeth.

Surprise was written all over his face, "You're blushing! How cute," he said through his laughter. I quickly swatted away his hands from my face. Instead I grabbed his face in my hands and mashed his face in my hands. "Stop calling me cute."

"Got it," he whispered.

I let go and sat back on my bed with my feet dangling off.

"Why are you doing?" I asked him. I tred down intently at my swinging legs.

"Doing what?" He asked. He walked over to my bed and sat beside me.

"What are you doing here? You haven't talked to me in days so why did you come here," I said getting right to the point.

"Oh come on, I've talked to you, he said pushing me slightly.

"No you haven't an its really sucked. Your supposed to be there to help me move in and be here because its a big step in my life. I wanted to tell you all about how the apartment was, how happy I was to finally be supporting myself. You weren't here, it hurt...alot."

"You didn't have to support yourself. You could have stayed with me and Luke and everything would have been fine. You chose not to, you don't need me" he said with a harsh tone. My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. That's why he was mad? He thought I didn't need him anymore.

"Brandon," I said grabbing his hands in mine, "you're an idiot," I said lovingly.

"What?!"he exclaimed upsettingly.

"I need you," I whispered. "Your the one person in the whole world who I can be myself with and not have to worry about being judged. You know that person you know you can always depend on that you completely trust? You've always been my person and now your Julie's person." This was it. I was finally telling him how I wasn't okay.

He stood from the bed and everything in me prepared for him to walk out. Shock was evident when instead he picked my up. i quickly wrapped my legs around his waist to keep myself from falling. He nuzzled my neck with his head.

"I can be more than just one person's person you know," he mumbled into my neck.

He'd only ever been mine, I didn't know how to share him.

"Hey why don't I invite Julie over so you can get to know her a little. She's a great person, Lil." He set me back down in my feet and I stepped away so I could see his face.

Hope swam in his eyes and my chest clenched as a result. I put on a small but fake smile, "sure." He pulled out his cellphone and tapped for a minute before looking back at me wih a smile. "She's on her way."

"Great. Now can I see your phone for a sec?" He looked hesitant but put it in my hand anyway. I pulled up the camera and turned back to him.

"Kneel down," I instructed. He did as told an I hoped on his back quickly.

"Smile," I told him as I snapped a picture. When the sound of shutters opening and closing I hopped off his back and took a look. It was a really nice picture and we were both smiling brightly. I sent the picture to Luke's phone before handing it back to Brandon.

Thirty seconds later something heavy was being moved from the other side of my door. I sent a knowing smile to Brandon and within seconds my door was being opened. Avery and Luke smiled happily but the look in Avery's eyes held something else.

I'd ask her about it later.

"Pizza's almost here," he announced before walking back into the other room. Avery followed and Beandon began to walk out if my room. I laid back down on my bed and closed my eyes.

"Hey Lily," Brandon called, I looked over at him. "You're my person too," he said with a smile before walking back out of my room.

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