Tamar POV   what people  didn't know   I had a child  wen i was about   17 years old   my parents  wasn't  to happy about  it he was beautiful  baby   me n his father  met in the 7 grade  n began dateing  wen I told him I was pregnant   he went on n own  about   his so called   cheer  he  was born  stepmber  23, 1997 I was a kid  having  a  kid  they are mad  at me  how could  u do this tamar we didn't  raise  u this way it just happened   does that boy have a job  just get way from me I don't  want  to see your  face right now  go to your  room or something  I can't believe  they would  do this to me  u brought  this on yourself  tamar toni  said  now u sound just like mama  well she right  u know   none of y'all   get yelled  at    oh trust me we did but the difference  was we were grown wen we had our  children   trina said   u have to deal wit tamar  u a mother  now  u can't  be selfish  anymore   denise  said  after  that  things  changed   because  of me being  pregnant  at the time  the group  feel by the westside  but mostly  because  of  me  so  I went back to being toni  background  singer  Chile I didn't  want  to be in her showdow forever   but at the time I didn't  mind    I  get travel   I graduated  high school   a year later  things started  to get worse   nicey label was  going  down the  drain  toni  bankruptcy   then after  that  our  parents  divorced   he had cheated  on her a few years  ago.

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