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They all went in for their classes and surprisingly they all were in the same class. Mostly all seats were filled there were four left, one boy sitting all alone in a row.

Kyungsoo knew that he was not Korean. "Yep, he's a foreigner." He thought, confirmed.

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun sat together, while Jongin and Jongdae with the foreigner guy. "Hey what's your name?" Jongdae asked. "Hello I am Zhang Yixing , you can call me Lay for short and I'm from China."

Lay introduced himself . While bowing he accidentally hit his head on the desk. "Gosh, are you okay!?" Jongdae shrieked.

*Insert robot voice*

           -A few moments later-

"Gwenchana? Are you okay?" Kyungsoo asked the clumsy boy.
He nodded. "Thank God the desk is fine!" Baekhyun exclaimed dramatically as if his everything    depends on that desk.


"You idiot ! Stop being mean to him!" Kyungsoo smacked Baekhyun's head. They both again started bickering which led to a world war. "Guys c'mon let's not fight okay ? Not right now okay?" Jongdae stopped both of them.

"So Lay , nice to meet you. I am Kim Jongdae, these two are Baekhyun and Kyungsoo and he's Jongin." Jongdae introduced them all.

"What clubs are you guys in?" Lay asked awkwardly not knowing what to say. "Well... me , Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are in music and Jongin is in dance."

"I'm also in dance." Yixing said happily that finally he got new friends to be with.

Class started...


"Gah! I'm so hungry!" Baekhyun whined while clinging onto Kyungsoo's arm. "Me too." Jongin clings onto Kyungsoo's other arm.

"Me three!" Jongdae climbs on Kyungsoo's back. "Me four!" Lay jumps quite high causing all of them to fall.

"You guys have a death wish for sure." Kyungsoo's aura turns dark. The four of them gulped afraid of the shorter one. "Run!" Baekhyun shouted and all of them dashed out of the classroom.

 "Run!" Baekhyun shouted and all of them dashed out of the classroom

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"Wait you shrimps!" Kyungsoo yelled following after them.



"Ahh I'm full." Jongin says while rubbing his tummy.

"Say thanks to Kyungsoo." Yixing smirked. Jongin gulped in fear, he cannot bear to let the shorter mad again cause satansoo really becomes a satan when he's mad.

If he'll be honest, he doesn't likes Kyungsoo very much because that boy scares the shit outta him. But he'll definitely try to get along.

"Guys today is my dance tryout, wanna come?" Yixing asked with stars glimmering around his eyes. "Mine too!" Jongin added, pointing at himself.

Jongin looked at Kyungsoo, "Kyungsoo" he then paused for a second before continuing, "Baekhyun and Jongdae, would you like to come?"

"Shall we go Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun asked his bestie wanting to go with him. To which Kyungsoo lightly nodded.

"Yay! Let's go!" The brunette yelped in excitement as he linked his arm with Kyungsoo's.

"Let's go"


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