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They reached the gym where the tryouts were being held. "You guys go and warm up, we'll be sitting over there! We'll cheer for you both!" Jongdae said and patted both of their backs before saying "Good luck!"

They all were seated to the front line and 2nd row. They were excited to see their dance. Baekhyun and Jongdae started blabbering about soccer and stuff which Kyungsoo wasn't playing attention to but kept nodding so that he won't hurt the boy's feelings.

Until somewhere nearer he noticed a tall boy whom you could say was a giant. From as far where he was sitting he could see the boy's round almond eyes, which would go big and bigger whenever he realised something.



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But somewhere in his heart, he felt this familiar feeling. Like he had known him for so long.He didn't know why  but once he looked at him, he couldn't take his eyes off.

Kyungsoo noticed that the other boy was also staring at him. Damn, he felt something in those eyes which burned his chest with consolation.

It felt uncomfortable so, he quickly looked away. " Who is he anyways?" He thought.

He glanced at that boy again to see another boy hitting his head playfully and they both went to sit. But the other one soon went inside the changing room. "Oh maybe he's also a participant." Kyungsoo thought.

He felt the giant again looking at him so he started chit-chatting with Baekhyun. "Finally, he's useful for something." Kyungsoo let out a sigh.

Competition started shortly, there were many people who took part in it. Damn he had to say they were good though but he was shook when Yixing came. He immediately was drawn into his performance. Yixing got many cheers. Here these three were cheering and clapping hard crying with their happy tears.

Then after some performances, it was Jongin's turn. Jongin turned to a completely different person when he dances. He danced like it was his everything. It left the crowd  speechless. They were speechless too. Until, Jongdae's loud voice brought their attention and they also applauded hard like everyone else. Jongin left the stage satisfied with himself.

In the end, results were good both of his friends got selected. They decided to wait for Yixing and Jongin.

"Yup, okay see you tomorrow Sehun." Yixing and Jongin bid a tall guy waving at him. 'Wait! That's the tall guy's friend! Sehun huh?' Kyungsoo thought.


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