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Jongin and Yixing came up to the trio, whistling. "Let's go?" Jongin was really cheery today.

"Yah ! Jongin-ah! Who was that guy?Tell me!" Baekhyun who was curious as hell occupied himself by clinging onto Jongin's shoulder.

Kyungsoo wasn't paying much attention cause his mind was occupied by that giant. He knew how he, himself was a contented man. Therefore, it was hard for him to develop feelings towards someone. He doesn't know how to love and be taken care of by someone.

But now he just wants to hug the giant. He shook off his thoughts and walked out with his group.

If there's something between them then they'll surely meet again.

On the other hand,

Sehun bid off his new friends he met there. " Yup okay see you tomorrow Sehun." Jongin and Yixing laughed and walked away.

He returned to his giant bestfriend. Who seemed to be unaware of his presence. "Yah! Yoda!" Sehun rolled his eyes and shook the daylight's out of the boy.

Who was now seemed to be blinking hard. "Hey! Your bestfriend is here, so what are you looking at?" Sehun grabbed a waterbottle and drank some cold water.

Sudden realization hit over the giant cause the small boy he was looking at wasn't anywhere in his sight.

"Damn you Sehun." He angrily muttered. He was now clearly annoyed by his bestfriend. The younger only smirked before he swung his arm around his best friend literally dragging him out of the place. "Let's get some bubble tea." He said sprightly.


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