23 . Epilogue

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"Hyung? You are here?" The brunette walked inside the building in a random hallway crowded with people rushing, probably for the shoot.

"Sorry it took me sometime to reach." He sighs out chuckling softly before he walked closer to him.

"That's okay, hyung! They have started the shooting already. They have a arranged a lunch for all of us. You can join them then."

"Ow that's great." The elders eyes then moved from his student to the one beside him, as he took a quick look at the guy. "Well hyung! This is my friend, Kookie."

"Have we ever--met before? Why you look familiar to me?!" The brunette furrowed his brows in confused and asked.

"You'll find it soon. There is a surprise for you as well, thank me later. Bye hyung." Taehyung pulled the guy along with him and dragged him in a random direction, leaving the smaller in the middle of the crowd.

"Mr.Baekhyun?" A voice came out and when he turn around, he noticed the director.

The brunette bows down shook his hand and smiles awkwardly. "Nae! Sorry I am late."

"No no problem. You can wait until the shot gets over. We have arranged a lunch for all the artists and the actors. You are the most invited one."

"Awe that's such a sweet honour." He shows his charming smile and looked around. "No problem." The director had a small chat with him as he guided him towards the shooting block.

"And here is our Park Chanyeol? Will he break the record this time? It's 10 or 11 or 12?"  The brunette looked around and noticed that he was far away in the middle of group of people who sat by the audience gallery.

He leans by the door frame and watched the shooting, realising it was the very first scene, where Chanyeol breaks a world record in Olympics shooting. Since the actor was facing the other side, he couldn't see his face.

He furrowed his brows and noticed how the actor concentrated and when exactly a second before the time was up, he shot it like a professional. "OMG! IT'S 11.5! PARK CHANYEOL MADE A WORLD RECORD. WOHOOOOO!"

"HE IS THE FIRST KOREAN EVER TO BREAK THE RECORD IN SHOOTING." The announced shouted as he commented when the actor shot him and the entire crowd along with the crew screamed and cheered him as in the movie script, but not just for that, cause the actor really did shoot it right in the centre.

The entire set was cheering and that's when the actor turns back and looked directly in the direction where the brunette was standing and his eyes stared into his. The smaller froze, his heart skipped a beat when he saw what he least expected.

That without a second wasting, he pushed passed people and rushed to the middle of the set searching for the actor, but before he could find him, the entire team went off of the hall for taking a break before the next scene shoot.

"Excuse me! So-sorry please can you-" He pushed few people and rushed out of the door, his eyes searching for the tall figure. "Where did he go?"

He rushed over few random croos hallways confused at a certain spot that he himself didn't know where he went. And when walk past few doors, his legs stopped on its own when his eyes caught a room with the board 'EXO room'.

He opened the door with any approval from anyone and rushed inside, only to be stopped when he noticed a familiar figure looked up at him. "Hyung? You came? We thought you didn't come."

"Jong In ah? I-I saw him. I really saw him-but I don't know if it's true or just an illusion." The smaller rushed to him and shook his arms.

"Whom are you talking about, Hyung?"

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