If Only

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Story Description:

From the very beginning, Chat Noir knew that he loved Ladybug.
But when she willingly reveals her identity to him, his heart instantly shatters into a million pieces. She tells him a devastating secret, which leaves him fighting for the love he never had.


It had been hours, and Chat Noir was starting to get impatient. Ladybug had told him to meet her at the top of the Eifel Tower, and to not be late.

He felt betrayed as he continued to watch the beautiful sunset in silence.

He missed her beautiful smile, and the way her bluebell eyes sparkled in the sunlight. He missed her sweet, angelic voice that would hum a beautiful tune whenever he felt blue. He really missed her, and wondered if she would even show up.

Where are you, M'lady..?

He decided to wait a little while longer. If she didn't show up after about ten minutes, he would get up and go back home.

Time was passing by, and still no sign of the spotted hero. That was the final straw. Chat had waited long enough and decided to leave.

As he stood to his feet, he looked forward and saw a red figure moving towards him.

He remained still when he realized that she didn't break her promise after all. He was disappointed that she was late, but at the same time he was relieved to know that she still cared.

As she safely landed on top of the tower, she looked at him with an unreadable expression written upon her face.

The look sent shivers down his spine. He just waited for her to say something, but the longing was causing an eruption of despair.

She looked more serious than ever, and that terrified him. He didn't know what to expect. Had he done something unforgivable? Or perhaps she was dealing with a personal crisis?

The possibilities were endless, and he felt so helpless without any clues. But whatever it was, it couldn't even compare to the heartache that was soon to become a living nightmare.

The silence that filled the atmosphere was deafening, and Chat hated it. He wanted to know what was wrong, and he wanted to be there for her.

"M'lady?" He timidly asked.

Her eyes were locked on the metal that lay beneath her concealed feet. She seemed to be deep in thought, and a sense of fear never seemed to leave her.

Chat could sense her panic as her hands began to tremble at his very touch.

There was something seriously wrong, and her behavior had instantly confirmed his previous assumptions.

His face softened as he waited for her to say something.

"Chat..." It was barely even a whisper. "I..."

She couldn't even get a word out.

"It's okay, you can tell me," he cooed.

"I... I have to tell you something."

Chat was still as he listened to his lady. There was a hint of guilt in her voice, and that broke him a little. What could she possibly have to say, that would cause her such distress?

His questions were answered at that very instant.

"I won't be your partner for much longer," her tone seemed cold, and emotionless.

Chat snapped right there.

"What do you mean!? We've been through so much together, and now you just want to leave?" He couldn't even look at her.

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